Confucian Family Ceremony for The Ancestor in My family, Korea

December 19 was 3rd years aniversary since my dadd had passed away. I can’t believe that my dad does not exist in this world. I still remember his voice, his face and his silly humor…

In Korean family, a special ceremony for the ancestors has been undergoing in the House of Confucian tradition family.
I think Korea is the only country where the Confucian ceremony has been served until now which has been originated from several thousand ago

Buddhist family also has performed this ceremony in Korea.
In some case, Buddhist family is inclined to serve this ceremony more and bigger.

In Catholic family, also this kinds of ceremony is undergoing under the circumstance of any spiritual signal removed.

In Protestant family, this ceremony had been banned from it’s beginning.

My mom is Catholic. This ceremony is very important to her, because she had grown up in Confucian family. Even though she believe in God, the ceremony for ancestors is the most important thing to her.

She is still believing through this ceremony, our ancestors are taking care of us in the Heaven.

She prepared foods by herself for the ceremony.

Photos could show you better than my poor English
The table setting for the ceremony

There is a provided procedure for the ceremony

The ceremony is a kinds of the invitation for the ancestors

With Rice wine and Bow, we need to show our respect to the ancestors.

Last procedure is burning the paper for the invitation of my father.

Burning that paper is as same as saying a good bye to my father's soul.

For long time ago, they really believed in that this paper would invite the soul of family ancestors.

Thank you

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