From Happiness of Spring Season To Real Life In Seoul

After finishing walking around the stream enjoying Spring season’s amusement, I stepped into not familiar area of different side of the stream.

As soon as getting into there, I was little bit shocked with the scenes of ruined houses.

I didn’t know there was such a place among this rich area.
The place I walked through was famous for the rich village.

I’d like to take the photos of the houses.






It was an impressive scene there was a chair on the roof of the house.
Why did they put the chairs on the roof ?


There was a rear car by the street.


There were onions on the top of the gate into the house

![_4060098.JPG](The rear car meant that live continued.://

The rear car and the onions meant that life was continuing here.


I found a sign of words 희망 meaning literally “Hope”
People could live through the difficulties only when dreaming Hope.


They sang a song of hope even in this difficult situation.

As soon as finishing the photos, I found out a cat in the trashes.
The fate of cat also seemed to be different from where it belonged to.



There was a sharp contrast between this ruined village and the rich village.


This sharp contrast made me sad.

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