Dalian China Summer’s End Canadian Style BBQ 大连中国的夏天以一个加拿大风格的BBQ结尾

Sunset on Dalian’s Gold (Jin Sha Tan) beach with delicious food and fun friends.

This summer I wanted to treat my friends to an authentic Canadian style BBQ because last summer I had posted many pictures on WeChat of my holiday back home. My friends wanted to try the delicious BBQ my family welcomed me home with.

So I rented a couple of tables by the sea near a popular district called XingHai Square. Not to be confused with another beach on the other side of the city with a similar name called Golden Pebble Beach (Jin Shi Tan).

Our tables were steps from the sea where people were swimming and fishing and just enjoying the warm not too hot weather. It was much busier than I expected but I’m must have been crazy to think a perfect Saturday afternoon on the beach would quiet. I’m happy it wasn’t.

The night before, I was up preparing the Australian fresh beef flank and local chicken breasts to be marinated for 12+ hours. I said Canadian style so I used some recipes I loved making back home. I also bought Fresh Norwegian salmon. I bought almost everything at Metro (Mai De Long).

Beef Shish Kabobs Marinade was red wine, fresh garlic, some fresh lemon, salt and pepper. Refrigerated for 15 hours.

Chicken, fresh Thyme, fresh garlic, salt lemon juice over night.

Salmon was the best dish according to everyone. I waited until the end to grill it last. I didn’t marinate it but I did make a sauce. Butter, lots of fresh dill, some salt and fresh garlic.

It was lots of fun reconnecting with some long lost friends and having my new friends there as well. Everyone like the food, lots of beer and good vibes all around.

We got to see the spectacular sunset over Xing Hai Square in the distance. The bridge is the only 2 level bridge China each level is a different direction. When the sun sets and they turn on the lights it’s quite the show. It’s a 10km long light show.

It wasn’t cheap but it was well worth it. I spent about 2000RMB, the table rental was a lot more expensive than I expected.

It was a memorable and hope to do it again next year.

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