Confidence And How To Get It - Part I

I often receive messages on how to grow self confidence. Its not a thing you can learn just by reading this post, you need to put a lot of effort in it in order to become confident.  


I would say that a major key for my self-confidence is dancing. First when I started dancing, I was very shy. My body language was nearly screaming „Leave me alone, I´m scared“. But when I got through the journey of becoming a performer, I realized that all the fear of talking to strangers, dance in front of thousands of people even face to face at street-shows and other contact with people were no problems anymore. My whole appearance was changing because the body language always tells you how a person feels.  

My teenage years were tough and I had to make bad experiences with other girls, where I wrote about in another blog post, and this made me feel humiliating. Since then I never could go outside without taking a look in the mirror before I left to make sure everything suits perfectly and no one could ever say bad things about me. But it still happened because they felt my inner weakness.  


Before I will explain you how to grow your self-confidence, I want to show you some types of body languages which I talked earlier about.  


The first impression of a walk is significant. You will never be able to change that feeling when someone saw you for the first time so keep your head up, keep your standards high and look people straight into the eyes or above them! Never look down...

This is how you SHOULD walk! 

This is how many people walk but exactly how you shouldn´t !!!


I especially see in many meetings that many people are not in their best shape of confidence. Looking down, shoulders kept falling to the front and a very bad aura. Doesn´t matter with whom you are meeting, always look them at least into the face to show interests. 

Here you see that my chest is open and my head is up. 

Feeling alone, waiting in a lonely place for some old friends... This is what it looks like!


Every inch of your body shows how you feel, even if you are standing in line waiting to pay for your groceries. I love to watch body languages from different kind of people. 

Self-confidence means that you have a positive mindset and like to learn new skills or getting new informations 

I wanted to make this post as short as possible because part II is waiting with a lot of informations!

Today was all about the attitude and posture. Self-confidence comes from within so stay tuned for part II

Thanks for reading, I hope I got you interested 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

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