Mistakes people make that can damage there REPUTATION on steemit and in real life.

It is possible that you could be doing some of these little things here that could have a big negative effect on what people think about you.    So in this post im going to talk about several common mistakes that people make that could kill there reputation both here on Steemit and also in real life.  


Many people can feel uncomfortable when they enter into a new scene or group of people.   In real life we may just give a hand wave or nod and sorda wander into a corner.   Here on steemit you may just sign up and start posting random things that doesnt let anyone know who you are or what your about.    This is uncomfortable in real life as it makes everyone feel a little awkward and its non effective here on steemit where there is no personal connection to draw people to feeling confident about who you are and your posts.  

When entering into a new group or new environment around new people, make sure you introduce yourself.  In real life walk up and give a hand shake and tell people your name and possibly a little bit about you.   Here on Steemit you want to make that very important "introduceyourself" (Tag) post and let the platform know who you are.  Share photos and things that interest you so people can get a good idea of what you will be posting and bringing to the platform.    Browsing topics that interest you as well and commenting is like a good hand shake, letting someone know hi im here and this is what I think about what you have posted.   You are now a bleeping dot on the radar.   How bright that dot gets depends on you and your willingness to interact, in both real life and here on steemit. 


In real life not introducing yourself is one thing, but not introducing your friends can seem rude and make a situation even more awkward.    Here on steemit you dont have to worry about the awkwardness of someone others dont know standing off in a quiet corner or slightly behind your shoulder, but if you bring people over to the platform and dont introduce them, mention them yourself in some posts, or resteem a couple of there posts, you dont encourage them to stick around and learn the ropes as much as making them feel apart of something great you have discovered by shouting them out and letting others know they exist.   


When in a group of people or talking to an individual person its fine to share a little about that crazy dream you had, but as soon as you find yourself giving a ten minute story about it your probably boring people.  The same goes for long speeches about things that really only concern you, like your money problems, your tan and what you had for dinner last night.  If your unsure if something only concerns you or if someone is listening or not its most likely because you are not giving time for any feedback or interjection.   

Here on steemit it works a little differently but in essence the same.   Its fine to post a rant about your money problems, post pictures of your new tan, and a snap shot of what you had for dinner last night, because there may be someone out there who relates or finds it interesting, but its important in these type of posts that you give some piece of information that can be valuable to your readers and not just random things only concerning you.   If you post a picture of your dinner plate be sure to tell people what it is and maybe how it was made or where your eating it at if its a restaurant so they can possibly find it as well.   If your ranting about your financial problems be sure to let people know your looking for advice or comfort and make it specific what they can do to help you, instead of leaving them in the air with a dramatic post full of bad energy and no way ease the now shared tension other than an "oh man sure hope it works out for you " comment.    If your posting pictures of your tan, let us know how long it took to get it, what products you used or what part of the world you were in when you got it. 


When talking to someone and your just getting a lot of nods and "Oh jeeze" or "Oh wow"'s your probably not giving someone the opportunity to jump in and give there feedback or opinions.  Try pausing mid story to give room for questions or try asking a question yourself to involve them deeper into what your saying.    Its also a good way to tell if someone is interested or not in what your saying.  

When posting here on steemit its important if your unsure about something to stat it as opinion and be open for others to have differences in opinion.   If your unsure about how to do something its important you ask in your posts if someone else knows or has any solutions, its very likely you will find people to engage with you, help you and encourage you if you just ask.    If your posts are not doing so well and your unsure why, maybe you should consider making a post asking the community what they think your doing wrong.   



You dont want to trail off mid story while talking to people in both a rambling over excited form (I struggle a lot with this one) or in a mumbling without eye contact kind of way.    Rambling on over jazzed can make you seem dominate and overbearing to listeners and mumbling quietly just makes you seem uninterested.  

Here on Steemit make sure you make comments relevant to the post your commenting on.    If someone made a post about the crypto market and how excited they are about the new price spike,  you dont want to jump in saying " hey nice post, you should totally check out my new bands post  .... yada yada"   


If you find yourself always stuck in an awkward silence with people, chances are you are putting yourself in this situation with short answers.  If you a little more in depth with your answers you not over sharing your giving more stuff for both of you to jump on and talk about.   Example:  Question Where are you from?  Response California.......Awkward Silence......... This is much better Example: Question Where are you from? Response Im from northern California, a small town called Mount Shasta, its pretty nice there, we get all the seasons and a lot of good vibe nature energy.   This gives the person lots of things to jump on and respond with to carry on the conversation.   

Here on steemit you dont want to comment one word responses like " Cool "  "nice"  "neat" .  This makes it seem like you didnt actually even look at the post and are just trying to get a free upvote.   I am also guilty of this one and we dont always do it cause we dont care,  sometimes cool is just all we have to say, but its best to be actively mindful about what it is you are commenting on and give the post a little more thought than just a one word response. 


We all experience social and pyschological pressure to fit in, so many of us hide the things that we believe or the things that we think make us weird.   While this might keep us out of trouble, it usually makes us completely forgettable.   Its the people who have convictions and live by them that generate the most respect and have really good reputations in life and here on steemit.   It doesnt mean you have to shove your beliefs down other people throats but dont be afraid to get clear on your principles and stand up for them, even if its not the most popular things to do.   You will find many people who share similar convictions.    

Sound Legion creates music all over the globe in multi genres of sound with artists and producers of all shapes and colors.   We experience life with a rainbow of sound.   Today the original song we would like to share for this post is Acoustic Song "Mistakes" by myself Shavon Bonnie Legion and Video by BC LEGION and Nichole Vargas Productions.  

Its okay if you find that you have made or been making some of these common social mistakes.   We cant all be perfect everyday!!!  But right now and tomorrow we are standing up in confidence throwing ourselves out there, joining hands with others around the world and aiming for the stars.    

Shavon Bonnie Legion - Mistakes 

Free Download

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