Essential skills in life: Patience

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many say that patience is a virtue, but I like to believe that patience is a skill. Why? Because patience is something that you could learn and develop. Patience is an ability, a very useful one.

We live in a world where we put a very high price on speed. We want to have the fastest car, we want the fastest internet, the fastest PC, the fastest everything. We want everything and we want it yesterday, if possible. We forgot to be patient. We forgot to wait.

Time has a single speed. It flows the same for all. A second is the same second to everyone. And everything takes time to develop and grow. This is why we need to be patient and let the time to flow.

Why is patience important? Being patient will help you grow. Will let you develop better relationships, it will make you healthier, it will make you richer, smarter. Being patient will let you become a better person.

Think how healthy you could be if you tried a good diet, instead on those fast diets that promise you to lose 10kg in 4 weeks.

How much money would you have if you invested them in the long term instead of looking after get rich quick schemes?

How to develop patience?

Patience needs an open mind. You need to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around you and there is a time for everything.

You need to understand yourself. To understand your emotions. The opposite of patience are the emotions of anger and irritation, emotions that hurt us and those around us.

Why do you have these emotions? Find the triggers and try to understand them. Look inside you and when you are angry or irritated by someone, take a deep breath and try to understand the person in front of you and also yourself. Find the reasons, before start shouting. Take a deep breath, count to three and move on.

Try to observe your surroundings more. Leave your phone at home and take a walk. And look around you. Look at the people around you, look them in the eyes and smile. Look at the trees, and the grass on the sidewalk.

Patience comes from knowing thyself.

“PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan”– Yoda

Image source:Pixabay

This post is part of 30 days writing challenge during January 2017 launched by @dragosroua. If you want to join the challenge, here's the introductory article.

Essential skills in life it will be a series of articles regarding skills that I consider everyone should try to develop them. Some of them I have, some of them I'm working on. Please follow me @sstefan if you want to check the next post of the series

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