Some Health Benefits from "Seumilang" Fish

Some time ago, I tried to fish in the river, its place in the "kuala", mean a "confluence" in English. Which other means the encounter of freshwater and saltwater, the end of the river that meets the sea.

That night, the moon shining, illuminated me throwing a fishing line fishing lures from me in the water ... And, just a few moments after I threw it, I felt a strong vibration, I know, fish is eating the bait. I picked it up, I saw a fish with a tail much like catfish and had a mustache and fur on the cheek.

"Seumilang," as people here call it. big fish almost half a meter long that I go home and I cook. Since that night, I was constantly looking for fish seumilang it, because in addition to delicious when eaten, the fish also has many health benefits. These fish include fish that is difficult to reach, but it is rich in protein, phosphorus, omega 3 fatty acids.

Difficulty getting these fish are also commensurate with what health value it contains. Lucky because I get a big enough fish. The following benefits:

1. Helping the process of pregnancy

For your long-married but not yet awarded the descent, you can just try to eat these fish. Because according to the first, this seumilang fish can stimulate hormones that speed up the pregnancy. According the experience of the first people who ever tried, the result was positive.

2. Reduces Menstrual Pain

Ever feel pain during menstruation? Try eating these fish, then the pain will begin to decrease. Scientifically no one has been trying to prove, because the existence of this seumilang fish itself is one characteristic fauna of Sumatra.

3. Heart protector

A further benefit is owned by seumilang substance content of unsaturated fatty acids, namely omega. The performance is produced according to the latest research is to prevent heart rhythm. It was named after the Atial fibrillation (FA). The present invention has been proved in the journal Circulation in 2004.

For the next, please read about the usefulness of an unsaturated fatty acid types of Omega 3 containing DHA and EPA, Omega 3 can help to blood clots, the formation of brain cells from the omega 3 fatty acids, reduce high cholesterol, and omega 3 which serves to reduce artherosklerosis.

The latter, the side effects!

We must understand that this seumilang fish have spines that are quite toxic, so do not let this fish thorn. Fishbone seumilang also called patil, so do not be affected patil seumilang fish because you'll instantly pale poisoning and should be brought to the hospital.

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