How to Quit the Internet

“I look at things that I know are going to upset me”

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For almost two decades, I’ve spent an enormous amount of time online.

And it only seems to grow each passing year.

And it is only getting worse.

As the thought “Should I try to quit the Internet?” crossed my mind, my first inclination was to run a web search to see what I could see…


Louis CK Tells Conan How to Quit the Internet

Louis points out the truth that no one wants to admit.

While we might be connecting online, we are disconnecting offline.

But the truth of the matter is, smart phones are not going away, they are merely another part of life as we now know it.

The good news is that I can practice self control and use it less.

However, with work and online business and blogging on steemit etc. it is hard to go cold turkey.

I am not sure that would solve anything anyways…

CK says he realized he had to draw the line when he realized he was spending more time staring at his phone that at his children.

Realistically, the issue that I am facing is that I am not living a fulfilling life.

Each passing moment online feels wasted.

I love reading, but have been doing less of it.

I love writing and have been doing less of it.

Instead I just click.




And so my question for you is two parts: “Have you tried to quit the internet and how did it go?”


Written by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray because I can’t quit yet...

Donations to PayPal.Me/michaelpaine are also welcome because I appreciate you sending me money.

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