-- It Was So Hot This Guy Caught Fire !! -- People Never Cease To Amaze



Ok, Ok, so sunny Southern California didn't catch fire, but it sure was a very warm and beautiful day to go to the Los Angeles County Fair, which runs from September 2nd thru the 25th. We arrived around noon, and the crowds were just starting to build.


The event is held at the Pomona Fairgrounds in Pomona, CA every year, and is considered to be one of the biggest fairs in the country. The L.A. fair began in 1922, and has been a great place for a family outing ever since. The kids enjoyed the games, the rides and the shows. There is too much to do in one day and requires either yearly visits where you explore different areas of the event, or they do offer a season pass for just $10 more than the regular $20 entrance fee, which I think this is an excellent price to pay for the amount of entertainment provided, especially if you plan to go to the fair more than once in a season.

Lets Play

The first half of the day we played some games with the kids. They caught a few rides and then we walked around to see all the exhibitions and the vendors. They have so many exhibits to enjoy. We took the children to the feeding and petting zoo. Then we saw a Chinese Acrobat Show which was great. We also visited the beautiful flowers and garden exhibit, where they had so many amazing and exotic flowers, including these wild Rainbow Roses.


Dinner and a Show

When it comes to food at the fair, be prepared to get lighter in the wallet but bigger around the waist. They have chocolate covered bacon and fried oreo cookies. If you are more into a sour taste, they have Fried Pickle Chips too. We sat down to a fare of BBQ Pork Ribs, which are always so good at the Fair. My brother in law had a Fried Pork Belly wrapped in Bacon, Wow, and my son had a giant Turkey Leg. Always good eating.

After that we walked around the fair to see some of the vendors. There are hundreds of vendors and there is always interesting stuff there too. They have everything from real live masseuses to electronic massage machines. They sell cooking ware, household items and health products. This year, my mother in law tried something call a Foot Detox. You pay these people $20 dollars, and then you soak your feet for 30 minutes while this small device is in the water supposedly detoxing you through ionization. So the kids went to the Ice Rink and when we came back, Granda Ma's water had turned to this ugly reddish rust color with some darker green too. It looked pretty gross, and so did every other persons' water bucket after 30 minutes. The machine sells for over $1000. No sale.


At night it does drop in temperature, but not for this guy. While everyone else is bundling up to offset the desert chill, this guy is taking his shirt off. And with good reason, for he is a fire performer. His show was the highlight of the night.

We plan to attend the fair again, so stay tuned.
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