Today We Heal. We take our "Yes"! "The "No(s)" must stop!!! and not just one "Yes": "Yes, Yes, Yes.....Yes!"

Let me brighten your day with colors same as you have brightened my days. It's not the best of days but i am alive. "Alive" is miraculous; even a privilege. 

I don't get to sleep or sleep well but i still have memory of how sleep is and when sleep is right, peaceful and sweet; if we never get to wake up, we would never have known; because there is "unconsciousness" in sweet sleep.

I am awake and alive and though, today was a mix of tears and resolution, i cried and resolved. 

I now shed tears like a man because everytime i have cried in the last growing years, i have resolved anew. In this post though, i speak like a babe cos i am letting loose a bit. I want to!

I have not had an outlet in ages. I have been too stiff. I will use this particular post to rest a bit. I will soothe you by its means and make you feel; it will pass through you and ease you and together we will feel good for today we live.

Take a break and see the colors:

Yes, there are dull moments and sadness and all the silly stuff but look below:

See there is paradise tomorrow and there is evidence of it today. The Creator himself didn't create us to suffer. I won't lie! Look!:

"Suffering and consolation is not daily bread". There is fresh air in some places. There is blue water in some places. There is champagne in some places. Your current place is not the limit. Hang in there, for if you are reading this post; its way easier now! 

If you are not a steemians and you are on this post, join in on steemit. Join the ride!

Scientists took the easy route and have said water is "colorless and tasteless". When you see them, tell them that i told you, that they have uttered "true lies"! Tell them an "illiterate & untalented" has said, that water does have color and taste but that the words to describe this intricate beauty is not in the dictionary of the literates.,

These are heights of beauty that makes you lose words because your heart skiskiskipped bebebeats

"No books involved"; let's stop suffering! Let's taste beauty. These humans sipping champagne don't have two heads!

I am taking that route. 

Let's heal; let's breathe! Let's breathe like humans are suppose to: "not two gasps for one gulp!"

Hey there, don't mistake "be simple" for "never-ending/unnecessary/very-avoidable suffering! Don't be fed with that consolation till eternity, for it harms! 

Our dear Jesus, when asked to pay tax, he said; "go pick the next fish" and alas, in the fish's mouth was tax money! 

And the people cast lots, just to get a piece of his garment, when he had accomplished his mission on Earth. 

"Simplicity doesn't eradicate sophistication"/"Simplicity doesn't elevate mediocrity".

You were made simple, "out of dust" but in you was fed a brain powerful than supercomputers; 5 senses that can sense things that the "dictionaries" with all its words, can't describe; then you were given the animals and an empowered nature with all its forces to entertain and satisfy you etc

Utmostly, "you were made in Jehovah's image!"

So just why can't you have fluffy pillows or king-size beds etc Why should normal things be pronounced luxury in you/my case?

We take our "Yes"! "The "No(s)" must stop but you have to want this YES; you must establish realization that you deserve it and not just one "Yes": "Yes, Yes, Yes!"

No human owns your Yes; seek directly the source; "Jehovah above!"


Stop rejecting things that in reality is "nothing". I tell you; "a skyscraper", in reality; "is nothing!" You are worth more than 5000 of them, even to me! (in reality). Yes, i prefer YOU.

Hahaha, you are not ordinary; no human is! Even a rooster has swag! 

Do you want a Rolls Royce? Yes? "It is yours!"

Do you want to fly? "Here are wings; take it!"

Do you want to travel the world? Here's a simple JET or Yacht; take it; its yours!"

Pick that deaden dignity of yours and restore it to its rightful place. You are awesome; stay awesome!

The lion will not resort to eating grass because there aren't any longer prey in the forest; it will starve and die! "It's not pride; its choice!"

Let's explore the beauty Jehovah put in us and around us and let's apply it in new ways and let's stop silly suffering e.g no food, no data, no versace, no power, no vitamins/fruits/vegetables/smoothies/shakes, no tourist visa(s), no travel, no plasma screen TV, no air, no hugs, no massage, no champagne, no hospitals etc till forever? gosh! 

"Walking dead" must stop!

 Gosh, we can't do silly suffering forever! Our parents did it; our forefathers did it, let's give their suffering on our behalf, some valuable essence; GOSH!

Even time in prison (20 years behind bars) can pay for almost any crime; why do eternity! Gosh!

I am working hard for us!

If i had 10 skyscrapers, i will give you two!

And you don't have to be my biological relation or my wifey; you just have to want it and i will join you in wanting it!

Yes, for your part, work on that self-belief/self-worth etc Nations tie us but there is steem as well now, so cut that rope. I am working hard too. Above all, Jehovah is there and he knows our desires but He still says "ask!"

Use that sense of vision, open your eyes; see/foresee!

There is Paradise! There is Paradise! But what will it be in Paradise, for eternity? Will we just eat and drink?

Adam named all the animals, to do this, he wasn't just eating & drinking!

Let's rehearse Paradise now.

Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen.

Your Boy Terry


Do you deserve it? 

Never question that cos the answer is default and it is;

You were made in Jehovah's image! (A very weighty sentence!)

I am alive. I am glad i found steemit. I am glad i found you.

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU. 

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

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For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node: 


Let's Go!!!

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