Why Do All Good Things Have To Come To An End?

Earlier today, i found a Facebook status update and it was fallow. It had no comments and i decided to answer it. 

her question was: Why do all good things have to come to an end?

(image source/credit to: 1)

Here was my tiny answer:

A really uncircumventable tangible question. Does requires answer! 

Life in general is a concept, that we can never ever have the capability to ever fully fathom. We were given brains powerful than supercomputers yet we become as helpless as vegetables in the face of survival. Animals fare better! 

To come up with a definite answer to this question will require aeons. 

Why do all good things have to come to an end? 

Mostly, because life in this system is has taints of imperfection. 'Life in today', is unexplainably unfair, impartial and many times irritates.

 The deeper you peer into these concepts and answers to this seemingly simple question, the more you are told of life in its bareness. Life sucks, like they say, but this won't keep on this way forever! That is where hope comes in!

 But even hope, becomes tiring cos sometimes life makes hope, 'a-never-ending'; that we end up living a lifetime of hoping and really, a 'lifetime spent hoping' is 'not life'. It is plain silly! 

I don't know what your loss is, but in my words here and the exertion I put into writing this, you will identify that I feel your pain. In this system of things, good things will definitely come to an end. It is painful!

 Hopefully though, we can use this pain to create solutions and answers to unanswered questions.

 Sometimes, a little pain is the answer! We mustn't completely frown at it!

 You watch the syringe go into you kid's vein and deal with the pain of helplessly watching your kid go through pain but the knowledge that her ailment will pass thereafter; dents in your head, that a little pain, is the solution! (Massage has some pain it, but you can't say it isn't sweet). 

We'll need to use the pain to grow, to open our eyes, to see, to learn to feel and use our sense of touch, smell, more, learn to love even better. Learn to fix! 

The invincible Creator above, His name is Jehovah. He didn't need to go thru pain, for for humankind, yet He had to watch his son in gruesome torture to bring humanity back to a fixing. 

We'll need to channel each pain into getting to define ourselves and learning to love humanity better.

 There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.

 I don't know you loss. I ended up writing too much but we don't do this for the now! We do it for the tomorrow and for someONE out there on the brink of tiring out; on edge of a cliff; to come across it and come to a fixing.

 I am hoping you take heart and come out strong. Divert the pain; translate it into growth and get fired up to bring about change, cos indeed there are some things you can change. 

"We were made beautifully", is a weighty sentence. "We were made in Jehovah' image; an even weightier sentence!

 If there are 'Celebrity Roosters' then, who aren't we?

 I trust you tho, let you heart heal and come out straight up strong. 


                                                                                THE END!

Please share your feedback in comment. I will like to know what answers you have!

(In general, i believe the answers in the imperfection of humanity thus life, which stemmed from sin. Adam and Eve, the only perfect humans sin and lost perfection, then bore us; imperfect!) Romans 5: 12

YOUR BOY terry


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