On the Cusp of the Age of Abundance

The idea of an Age of Abundance

A powerful idea throughout history has been of a society free from divides between rich and poor, where everyone has access and rights to the same plentiful resources.


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The thoughts and ideas around such a society have varied through the ages. In some societies at certain points in their history, there have been strong beliefs that such a society will surely come in the future.

While at other places and times, people have believed in a mythical age when humanity as a whole or their particular nation or tribe had been fortunate to experience such a time.


Myths and Experiments

"Ram Rajya" is one such concept which has a strong connotation in contemporary Hindu nationalism in India. The belief is that the mythical king of Ayodhya, Lord Rama, who was also an avatar of Lord Vishnu, brought about such a kingdom and age when he ruled in Ayodhya in the Dwapara age.

There are other religious traditions as well which talks about the myths or promises of such societies.

Even in non-religious thinking, there have been ideas and thought experiments dreaming about such societies. Utopia written by Sir Thomas More in 1516 is such an egalitarian fictional perfect society where everyone is equal and all resources are plentiful.

Political theorists have also tried to theorize how such societies could be brought about. Democracy is an attempt to bring about such a society by giving all citizens equal rights to decide their future.


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Even though it's counter-intuitive, the idea of socialism which led to the communist movement, also wanted to create an equal society where the proletariat would be equal to the bourgeoisie and all of society's production would be the property of all.

We all know where these experiments have taken us. None of us yet live in such a society.


On the Cusp of the Age of Abundance

However, I, like many others have started to think that such a society, such an age may indeed become a reality.

We may really be on the cusp of the Age of Abundance.


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An age when people will be paid just for being, or for doing things they love to do, all through crypto-currencies.

A time when machines will do the work and people will be free to pursue better things. Machine learning and artificial intelligence will change the way we work.

There are a number of other ground-breaking technologies like genetics (CRISPR) which promise to eliminate diseases.

The list of such technologies is now almost unending: 3D printing, VR, quantum computing and many more.

One thing is for sure, our civilization is going through a technological revolution like never before and even our wildest imaginations will fall short of the changes technology will bring about.


Fork in the Road


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However, I do not think, all these technological changes mean that the Age of Abundance is a surety, that it's a given and only a matter of when and not if.

It's far from it.

Technology can either ruin us or save us.

All the thinkers and dreamers, builders and practitioners of these technological changes have to come together and ensure that our future world truly becomes beneficial to all of society, that it will be an Age of Abundance for all.

There are practical roadblocks and historical lessons which make me skeptical.

Think about the promise of nuclear energy from the fifties, of it providing free electricity to all. Even after several decades, we are far from it, in fact, there is an increasing anti-nuclear movement with at least two major nuclear disasters which were never supposed to happen (Chernobyl & Fukushima).

There is a genuine risk of artificial superintelligence ultimately turning out to be detrimental to human society.

The transition to a world run by machines will bring about societal upheavals and mass unemployment. How we get past such disruptions will impact our future of abundance to a large extent.

We do not yet know how governments across the world will respond to technological changes. Some nations may accept changes quicker than others which can lead to disparity leading to the continuity of differences among societies.


Imagine an Age of Abundance

Nevertheless, it's an exciting future up ahead, an exciting time to actually be alive. In spite of talking about the roadblocks, which I think is very important, I remain positive and hopeful about our future.

I hope I live to see the true Age of Abundance where everyone is happy and content.

No war, no social divides.




  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia

  2. http://bigthink.com/think-tank/are-we-ready-for-the-coming-age-of-abundance

  3. https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html

  4. https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-2.html


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