Work-from-home moms - how do you do it?

Today I experienced what it is like being a work-from-home mom. Maybe I did it all wrong, could be, I know one thing - it's the most challenging job in the freaking world! OK perhaps I was flung into the deep end, since the fact that my son was a tad ill got thrown into the mix. But still, phew!

My toddler's teacher recommended that he stay at home for a day, he's been battling with the sniffles and in her words "he's been feeling miz" (miserable) - huh, in my opinion my hormonal tot is always miserable. Anyway, I took the day off to help my little sick patient recover - he was full of beans, irony is always out to get me.

Non-the-less, I was happy to have an opportunity to spend some quality time with my little guy. Until my husband phoned me with a list of URGENT work to be done, that is. A client wanted something done as of yesterday, apparently (wish they had phoned for it YESTERDAY)! My husband and I own a software development company and while being the boss’s wife comes with perks, it comes with pitfalls too – like doing work at home, even when you don’t want to. It was at this point that I was in a little bit of a predicament…how to get a spirited two-year-old to play on his own?

I turned on the TV, that had his attention for all of 5 minutes. Pulled out some toys to play with, all of one minute. Snacks, snacks always work! Nope, nothing I have in the house was good enough for him. At this point he thought it was very funny to climb on top of me and play hairdresser.  At least this finally got me some peace to do what I needed to do, well I had my hands free anyhow! An email and quote that usually takes me less than 5 minutes to do, took me about half an hour. Half an hour pulling little fingers from my knotted hair, typing a sentence, half an hour of saying “please don’t do that”, saving a document, half an hour of my kid screeching “ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT” – finally – HIT SEND! 

I felt exhausted, frazzled!


I obviously did something wrong.

It actually mad me appreciate the schedule I have. I work from 9am-1pm, I head off to do chores before a fetch my son at 2pm. Then I get to focus all my attention on him until my husband comes home. Daddy takes over while I cook. Hubby and I usually spend time together once we tuck little dude in. And then it’s time for STEEM! I think I have the best of both worlds!

Amongst the work and chaos, we did fit some fun time in though…followed by more chaos.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

Much Love - @Sweetpea

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