Halloween Special: Horror challenge—Grave Exploration. 万圣节特别篇: 恐怖挑战--墓穴探险!

Dear Fellow Steemains: Happy pre-halloween day!

This week is Halloween week, it is said that Halloween is when Evil brushes closest with the human world. That said, can you feel the chill of evil? Today, i'm going to share my horror story with you!

All pictures below other than those marked with sources are of my own photography

People who follow me will know that I visited the 8th Wonder of the World - The Terracotta Army in Xi'an, China. The Terracotta Army buried along with the first emperor of Qin - Qin Shi Huang. In those ancient times, the Emperor was buried with everything he needed in the afterlife, often it was very extravagant. But another disturbing fact is that the Emperor also wanted people to be buried with him. People close to him are sometimes buried alive! It was very cruel and barbarous.


According to historical records and now uncovered graves, Qin Shi Huang had huge numbers of people buried dead and alive with him. The details are so gruesome that this reality is often glossed over in discussion.

Groups of people were driven into a pit. Facing death, they struggled for air as soil was poured atop. Alas it was futile and they suffocated as the air became too thin to breathe.


Many people even wonder whether the Terracotta Soldiers themselves had real people inside. If that were the case, then surely there are many souls that suffered unjust deaths that now linger as ghosts.

At night time when the museum closes, is it possible that the soldiers come alive and start moving around just like in the movie Night At the Museum?


Perhaps during the pride parades of Halloween, the living dead are actually the ghosts of all those soldiers.

With all these thoughts, I leave the museum spooked out. On the way out I immediately see a grave expedition, supposedly full of ghosts of all those people buried along side Qin Shi Huang. I've never seen Chinese ghosts before so I decide to risk my life and explore the tomb..

The staff outside the tomb showed me a sign with three different routes to choose from. After some hesitation, I choose the middle one.

The whole tomb was empty, the only explorers were me and my two friends. It was so quiet I could hear them breathe, it was very tense and my heart was beating very fast. Inside the cave there was no light, so I used the torch on my phone.

The passage through the cave leads to the tomb.

There is a long aisle.

As I walked through the aisle, out of the blue I was startled by two ghosts moving in a coffin screaming horrifically.

I scream and hide in the corner.

I subconciously cover my ears knowing that disabling one of my senses will reduce the fear.

In the darkness, I see an outline of what appears to be a ghost, it looks like feminine and is wearing clothes similar to mine. What? She's wearing a Steemit hat? Am I hallucinating or has my spirit escaped my body?

I approached it for a closer look and realised it was a mirror infront of me lol!

万圣节快乐Steemit的朋友们. 这一周是万圣节周,据说也是一年当中鬼怪世界最接近人类世界的一周,所以会不会是我们能够感应到鬼怪的日子?请睁大眼睛。好吧,今天我想分享我的万圣节故事给大家。前段时间,我去中国西安参观了世界第八大奇迹,兵马俑。据资料显示,秦始皇拥有一大批殉葬者,用的就是惨无人道的活埋。一群大活人,被赶进一个土坑中,在对死亡极度的挣扎抵抗过后,还是没用,空气逐渐稀薄,心跳减缓... 想象一下博物馆在夜晚下班,熄灯后的样子,这样一大批兵马俑会不会动了起来?就像电影博物馆之夜?在万圣节大型的巡游活动的鬼魂会不会变成了兵马俑? 带着这些疑问我离开了兵马俑的博物馆,一出门就看见了墓穴探险的鬼屋,据说里面住着那些被秦始皇活卖喊冤而死的鬼魂。我从没有看到过中国的鬼魂,所以我选择进到墓穴探险。 我们的运气也太好了,因为没有别的探险者,整个洞穴就只听见我和2个朋友的呼吸,更加加深了恐怖的程度。钻过这个山洞就进入了古代的墓穴. 这里有一条长长的走道。突然看见了2只鬼躺在棺材里动了起来,还伴着恐怖的声音。我尖叫着躲到墙角。我立刻下意识捂住耳朵,通过关闭人的感官器官,无论是捂住耳朵还是闭上眼睛,都可以减少恐惧。 黑暗中,看见面前,有个女鬼还穿这现代人的衣服。哦不对,好像穿这跟我一样的衣服。哦不对,怎么还带着Steemit的帽子,难道是受到惊吓产生了幻觉?还是自己的灵魂出窍了? 我再仔细看才发现,原来前面有一块,镜子...

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