Miss. Opinionated : Modern Toughness

A couple months ago I read an excellent article on the New York Times about making modern toughness in today's world.

It highlights the need for the youth of today to devote themselves to their own telos - the higher purpose of living - whether that's an ideal, a relationship or a cause or all three.

So often, we forget our telos, distracted by bottomless work and numbing hedonism. It's no wonder that we feel emotionally fragile. Our minds are always in the gear of critical thinking. We've become such cynics, and it's cool to be cynical, it's funny. It's as if you're hedging your own bet so as not to get hurt. We become hardened, we cherish individualism. Sacrificing on your current happiness is weak and obviously an unwanted choice.

But as I get older, I often feel these tugs deep within me, nudging me to attempt to answer these questions:

  1. What are my ideals? Where in the world embodies similar values as mine?
  2. What kind of people do I want to surround myself with? What kind of relationship do I want to commit to?
  3. Is there a cause for my existence here? What is my destiny?

And if you hang around the middle aged, you hear a common story line to explain the rise of the orchid generation. Once upon a time, the story line goes, kids were raised in a tough environment. They had to do hard manual chores around the house and they got in fights on the playground. Then they went off to do gruelling work in the factory or they learned toughness and grit in the military.

Today, we are gifted with the freedom of choice, options galore. A free hand to cherry pick whatever we want in our lives, a privilege perpetuated by our own parent's protectionism, so afraid to let their kids try and get hurt, that we fail to find our higher purpose on our own.

We are all fragile when we don’t know what our purpose is, when we haven’t thrown ourselves with abandon into a social role, when we haven’t committed ourselves to certain people, when we feel like a swimmer in an ocean with no edge.

We must keep striving. I want to look past the apathy, I want to create my own telos.





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