Taking steemit to a concert in China. 带Steemit一起去看中国的演唱会


Going to live concerts is one of my favourite pass times, the sound system is incredible, of course it's loud, but it's also resoundingly clear. In China, going to concerts is considered an extravagence because the price of a ticket can be up to 7.5 times the price of a comparable ticket in the west. According to some statistics, one concert ticket costs an average of 17.24% of an individuals GDP. This compared to the US figure of 1.81%, Japan's 3.11% and UKs 2.87%, you can already see the difference in relative expenditure between these countries. For the Chinese, it's a considerable financial offset.

我喜欢去听演唱会,现场的气氛,完美的音效给我不一样的享受。但是其实在中国大陆看演唱会是一种很奢侈的享受。国内一场演唱会的票价大概是欧美国家的7.5倍。根据研究数据显示,在中国看一场演唱会的价格占到人均GDP的17.24%,而美国是1.81%,日本是3.11%, 英国是2.87%。所以对于大部分收入不高的中国人来说,演唱会的门票已经成为一种奢侈品,所以在中国的音乐消费压力非常重。


One of the differences worth mentioning between Chinese concerts and Western, is that in China, the area around the stage always has seats. This means even at the front, people are sitting down to watch the stage. However, western concerts often have seatless areas at the front that allow listeners to stand and dance. Concert goers can also hold their whiskys, singing and dancing along with the performers. When they feel extra excited, they often throw their drink cups to the sky in euphoria. In tandem, the singers often jump into the crowd and the fans can shuffle them along.



This is me at Big Bang's concert. They are like K-POP ambassadors of Korea. Bigbang came into existence in the year 2006, bringing with them, excellent music foundations as well ingenuity in style and stage presence. They are very likeable public figures, as such, they have garnered a wide and far reaching fan-base that has been the staples of their decade long career. Their music is easily approachable and so the general public can identify with them easily. This is of course down to their strengths in being able to write and produce their own music. Bigbang is considered the most popular group to come from Korea in recent history, their influence has allowed them to monetize substantial amounts of money from their fans. Afterall, it is the fan's who pay for things like CD's, Concert tickets, Karaoke rights etc. This Bigbang phenomenon has continued to add fuel to Korea's highly competitive K-POP entertainment industry that produces new acts like products on a production line.

这场演唱会是韩国组合big bang,他们是韩国娱乐行业的代表人物。Bigbang在2006年出道,他们扎实的音乐基础、稳固的粉丝群加上成员们的亲民形象和随和的个性是他们成功的秘诀。他们的音乐非常平易近人,被大众熟知,并且他们还有非常强的原创能力。Bigbang成为最成功的音乐组合,撇开音乐,更是粉丝经济(在音乐产业中真正贡献产值的是歌手的粉丝,它由粉丝所购买的CD、演唱会门票、歌曲下载和KTV中点歌版税等收入构成),是韩国明星生产线根据粉丝心理,打造出的最优秀的“产品”。


Tickts for Bigbang's tour around China have been in high demand. Everybody knows how difficult it is to buy a house, and yet people have jokingly said, buying tickets to a BigBang concert is even harder than buying a house. Their tickets are usually sold out within minutes of going on sale. Due to the Korean Military system requiring all men to join the army for a few years, BigBang's members are due to be called up to Military service very soon, essentially disbanding the band temporarily till the year 2022. It's possible that when they finish their military service, they may embark on solo careers. This is why, Bigbang concerts are even more desirable, for fear that they may never perform together again. Some tickets have been resold at extremely high prices well into the thousands USD. Fake tickets have also become a severe problem too with many people being unaware when buying fake tickets.




Upon arriving at my seat, I found a goodie bag prepared for each attendee that contained some light sticks and other items used to interact with BigBang on stage. These are all prepared to help boost morale and keep the interaction between BigBang and the fan's strong.


The Bigbang goodie bag is an example of Korea's attention to detail in bringing greater fan interaction and satisfaction. In the picture below, you can see the yellow crown light stick which was designed by G-Dragon. This defies the standard colours and designs used for glowsticks at other concerts. All BigBang fans are collectively called VIP. In the goodie bag, there are also some rings which glow different colour. The different colours are to be worn for different songs. Along with these rings, there is a booklet explaining which song matches which ring. My friends took some pictures of the stuff as you can see. The whole experience is heightened by these extra opportunities to interact with Bigbang. Of course, getting some goodies is also great as a souvenir. Overall, the experience has new highs because of these goodies, and the concert feels more personal as it's geared around interaction with the fans.



It's hard to believe that a member of the audience turned up wearing a Wedding Dress (this is the name of a very famous song of theirs)


Fans in the middle section also held up lights in the shape of 'BB' BigBangs abbreviation. Along with a heart shape sign.


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