I am sharing almost all the steps i do follow strictly since college time and that might help all of us in improving our lives. Also i work in Corporate Sector and have been through many personality enhancement programs over past few years. Last night, me and my friends were discussing on whatsapp about the whole personality transformations we have had since we have entered this industry and have actually worked on ourselves, specially in terms of presenting ourselves.


Though the real beauty of a human being comes from within, but the world is a harsh place, and how you look can change everything for you.

I have personally felt a shift in people's general behavior according to how i look. This is generally when we meet people for the first time, at a workplace or a meeting or a mall or a night-club. This visual attraction rule applies everywhere and yes to everyone irrespective of gender.

From my personal experience, i am summing up the best i could from my part


-- Woman -> If putting lots of makeup gives you confidence makes you feel more prettier, then go ahead. No one has the right to stop you. If putting makeup makes You feel self conscious, then go natural. JUST BE IN YOUR SKIN.

-- MAN -> Go with those formal shoes or sneakers or biker boots, keep your macho thing and your confidence in front of everyone.

-- MAKE A TO-DO LIST of everything you have got to do today or over the weekend or in the supermarket, it does help in making life efficient.

-- SET SOME GOALS, TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE : You really got to dp this, make monthly goals and yearly targets and do your best to achieve them. This is how life IMPROVES overall with time. And measuring the improvements does satisfy.

-- KEEP YOUR SELF MOTIVATED : Put on inspirational wallpapers on your phone, on your room wall or listen to inspirational music often.

-- FIND YOUR PEACE ZONE : yes this is the most important, once in a while, take yourself away from everything and recharge yourself, that helps in bringing the best out of you.


-- Wear NEAT IRONED CLOTHES, no matter the color or design.

-- Woman must keep their hair TIDY

-- Man MUST keep their head hair and their beard tidy.

-- Always wear a SMILE, always. PERIOD.

-- keep your nails clean, yes nails. How clean you are MATTERS and people do observe.


-- A good body atracts, Look the the body you have and now notice carefully, there are 2 things :

One :
Do not put more fat over there : For this i would suggest, eat, eat as much as you want and eat everything but eat it in the morning or during daytime so that it can be consumed by your body over the day till evening and it will not get converted to fats. To prevent more of the fat, avoid eating in the night or before your are about to sleep. Eat 3 hours prior to your sleeping time. THIS WORKS, TRUST ME.

Second :
How to get rid of the fat which is already over there on your body : You need to burn it my friend, you need to do exercise or yoga or running or gymmimg or Swimmimg or anything that suits you. Still if you are so busy or lazy that you can not do this part, then try the first point i told you about.

If you follow both points above, you will see wonders in your body in a couple of weeks.

If you follow only point two, then it will work eventually because your body will not get new fat to support old one but it will take longer.

I BET LIFE IS BETTER WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD .And you naturally feel confident when you look good. We can not Control the kind of face and body or Visual appearance our God has gifted us with, but we can take good care of what we have and still look good. I see so many woman around so much more beautiful than me and i do feel insecure, but next moment i ask myself to be thankful for what i have got and work my best to take care of it.

If by taking care of all the little things in our life, specially how we look visually, we can improve many areas of our lives and that is something we will do for ourselvss only not for someone else, i strongly believe we should.

Maybe i am one of those people who get to see such looks judging people in my life everyday and i am one of them : if this thought is touching your mind, then please genuinely ask yourself -> Does not the appearance of a person helps you decide your behaviour towards them?

This goes everywhere for everyone. So i believe, We can try to put little efforts for our visual appearance for our own benefit only. But yeah at the end of day, cherish the good people you meet along the way.


I read somewhere :

It is the Heart that says and Beauty that fades



Image Source :
Graphic images : Pixabay.com
Quotes : own editing

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