10 Tipps | Daydreamer it’s time to wake up!


Daydreamer - it’s time to wake up.

Sit down and breathe, and focus on the present moment, on now.

Everyday we are producing around 60.000 thoughts and 90% of them are not in a positive way.

That's because your thoughts are in the past or in the future.


Isn’t that a signal of fear?

Isn’t that a signal that you don’t trust yourself?

When you look back at the years, on what you already have accomplished, do you have the feeling that it is going to fast?

You live your whole life in an illusion.

The illusion of changing what had happened in the past but what you don’t realize is that it already happened - and you don’t have a time machine to change the past.
You are just wasting your time thinking about it. When you are finished with a task or whatsoever, you are starting to think about the future, on what you can change in the future but what you don’t realize is, that that’s not the next step.

After this long mind conversation of yours, about the past and future, you realize - like all the other days - that the day is already over and you ask yourself how it’s possible that the day went by so fast.

Wake up and learn to live in the present because there is nothing else.

1. Take deep and slow breaths

2. Don’t let your happiness depend on other people

3. Live every day as if you were traveling

4. Plan every day something what you love to do

5. Daily, orientate yourself with an inspiring quote

6. Appreciate the little things in life

7. Write daily a positive experience down

8. Do something good every day

9. Influence your world of thought positively through active language

10. Say Thank you often


Say thank you to everything and to everyone because everything is a present.

Peace and Love

The Hipsterguru

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