Doctor lets 12-year-old girl help deliver baby brother

The rising seventh-grader from Brandon, Mississippi, physically helped bring her baby brother into the world Tuesday. She then got to cut his umbilical cord.


Jacee originally just wanted to get a good vantage point in the delivery room, but her mother was lying on a table that had been propped up too high for her to see any of the action.

Jacee had wanted to be in the delivery room for the birth of her other brother, Zayden, 18 months ago, but her mom thought she was too young. This time around, Jacee began making her case for being at the delivery as soon as she learned her mother was pregnant again.


Carraway said she felt confident that her daughter was mature enough to handle the more graphic parts of the birth.

“She’s already had sex ed at school. I didn’t see no reason why she shouldn’t be there,” she said. “I don’t hide anything from her. I think that the human body is natural and if she learned about it at school, there’s no reason why she shouldn’t learn about it at home, too.”


Jacee said she had no problem with everything she saw or experienced, but she admits she did feel anxious the entire time.

“I was a nervous wreck. I was nervous and shocked at the same time,” she said. “I was scared I was going to mess up or do something wrong because there are plenty of things you can do wrong.”

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