Just when you think you have it all, a brick wall can come out of no where and change it all.. lucky to be alive

For the last 10 years of my life ive been in control of everything I do, ..I thougth, I'm not the kind of person who says the world has its way and your life is paved for you, like we are all set on some certain path... I do believe in the concept of karma to a certain extent, i believe that being good to others will bring good to you, I never was a bad person and have always went out of my way to help others. "I control what happens to me to a certain extent". at least that's what I though until last weekend when my life was almost taken away from me and everything I had, and now even after I have survived this ordeal I still may loose most of what I have worked so hard for. a mistake, a glitch in time a bad luck streak whatever it may have been I am here now to tell the story and that is all that matters. so Saturday night on my ride home I was involved in a horrific traffic accident injuring myself and a few other people, I was knocked out and memory wiped, so I do not have the information of how or what was involved. all I know now is that I have to deal with the consequences of it all. I had recently purchased my truck 8 months ago pimped er out with new rims tires and other stuff, it was everything to me my first brand new thing that really meant something to me, but now it is gone and all of my other possessions are now slowing being sold to pay for damages and legal fees and other bullshit, (by the way everyone made it out fine), I still don't know the true story. all I know is that when I seen my truck the next day I wondered how I am even hear to tell about it. shit happens to everyone and none of us are immune to it. but I just wrote this to say no matter how good everything is in life no matter how much u think you got it all covered, no matter how much good karma you have saved, life will come for you and teach you lessons on a broader scale. " ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT" I am living fuckin proof of that, hitting a baracade at crazy speed almost straight on. nothing I was doing was out of the ordinary it was an average day or weekend and BAMM, life is changed for me, forever. Please be smart, and just because you keep getting away with pushing your luck don't think that for one second it wont happen to you because that's what I though. I also wrote this to hopefully get into peoples heads to be smart and don't get complacent in life, ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT< ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. thank you who ever or whatever power on the planet kept me alive. I will strive to better myself and teach from this horrible event. these pictures do not do justice to what it looks like in person. I fell to my knees when I first walked upon it.. i cannot get into the specifics of everything but I will say again.. an average weekend, gone horribly wrong...last picture is the bruise across my chest from the seatbelt that saved my whole entire life.

there is now a black smudge on the side of the highway where I hit, to be an everyday reminder to me and the people I know that I almost was taken away in my prime. I'm just glad for good friends and family that help me get through this time, lord knows its never gonna be easy and the trauma will live in my head forever, but IM ALIVE , LORD IM ALIVE

I now have a new outlook and a renewed appreciation for life in general and I will be expressing them through blogs and stories with a new felt passion

"Too weird to live, to rare to die"hst

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