My Life Changing Experience of Human / Animal 2-way Telepathy (TelEMPATHY) - If all were to learn this, would the Earth be rapidly healed?

This is easily one of the most important topics to understand on Earth at present. The needless suffering being caused to billions of lifeforms on this planet out of ignorance, arrogance and unconsciousness is beyond measure. Several years ago I came across a life changing documentary about an animal communicator called Anna Breytenbach, who is hired regularly by zoos and animals reserves to talk without words to the animals in a way which few have any understanding of at present.

Not long after that I found that I too could experience such communication and now have a strong urge to help others discover their lost ability to communicate too. We do not need to be 'special' in any way to do this, we simply need to know how to do it and importantly, to accept that it is possible and be open to it working for us.

The consciousness that expresses through the form of the animals on earth is to all intents and purposes, the same consciousness that expresses through humans - the animals are literally our family and definitely not food! The topic of how exactly the life forms on earth came to start eating each other unnecessarily is a very interesting and very long winded topic to explore however - so I will leave that for another day.

First, some intense demonstrations of real life animal / human telepathy.

These 3 videos represent the sum total of everything I have seen on Anna - she deserves much more exposure:

Anna describes the desires and experiences of Great White Sharks:

Full Documentary exploring numerous animal interactions:

A full length talk given by Anna at the Scottish Findhorn community:

My relevant background

I have long understood that the heart and the emotions are the way to higher consciousness. They connect our thoughts to everything that exists using the magnetic carrier mechanisms provided by the feminine component of 'all that is'. In other words, our feelings connect to the part of us that can feel very, very deeply indeed - way beyond our present location and perhaps on into infinity. However, every time we mentally ignore and deny a real emotion we literally DEADEN our ability to feel in the future and limit our ability for empathy, telepathy and deep understanding.

I have focused on healing my heart and other related aspects for 10+ years and so by now I know a lot and have experienced a lot that most have no idea about with regards these subjects. I have long understood that I am one with the animals - literally and that is a big part of why I choose to be vegan and to not participate in the exploitation of the animals at all.

My experiences of human / animal telepathy

As Anna states clearly in the videos above, we have probably all had some type of experience of animal/human telepathy - it is just that we are not conscious enough that this is occurring for us to truly understand the reality of the situation. However, once I realised that I am intended to be able to fully communicate with non human creatures I made sure to test and explore the idea. It was not long before I had a good opportunity.

Nearby to my previous home there were some horses that were kept chained up in a field 24 hours a day by gypsies. They were effectively held their to be used for breeding and not much else - so they were not happy. They were like empty shells in fact, just stuck in the same part of a field forever until death. One day I saw a man kicking and punching a horse and was shocked - I wasn't sure what to do since, in my experience, starting arguments with families of gypsies is not generally advisable. I couldn't go and cut the horse free myself because I had nowhere to take it to and the horse would have just wandered around the town. I decided to do what little I could, which was to contact the animal protection services - however, unfortunately, they did nothing but come and put a tracking chip in the horses!

Anyway, once I had an opportunity to, I approach some of the horses and bonded peacefully with one of them as Anna does. I asked the horse in my heart "What do you want/need?" and I heard inwardly as a vibration that was actually translated in my brain as my own inner voice (without me instigating it) - that the horse wanted/needed to be with the other horses over the other side of the forest nearby. I was a bit confused by that because I didn't know there were any more horses nearby, but I set off in the direction I had been pointed towards and sure enough, after only 10 minutes walk I came across a field with immaculately kept and cared for horses - which, understandably, the chained horses wanted to live with.

horse abuse

This, to me, confirmed that the communication was real because I had no idea that these horses existed and I could feel the integrity of the message and the understanding that I was gaining. Sadly, I was not able to relocate the horses, even after speaking with the owner of the house that kept the well cared for horses. :(

Cow whispering

A few years later, I had relocated to a more countryside location and was walking in some fields near my new home. I had previously seen a group of long haired highland cows in the fields there - but this time they were absent. As I stood, observing the view, I noticed I was receiving a message just as I had done previously with the horse. I looked around but couldn't see any animals anywhere. I intuited that the message was letting me know that someone was lost and wanted to go home. After a couple of minutes I found the speaker! A cow had got separated from the rest of it's herd and was in a field on it's own. I tuned in more specifically to that cow and had a further, brief communication. Again though, I was not able to help the cow because I had no idea where the others were or how to bring them together - but at least in this case I am pretty sure the cow was OK, since the cows there are moved around regularly.

Sadly, though that whole period of my life I was helping my ageing parents with serious illnesses and healing myself of issues following a car crash too - so I simply didn't have the energy to follow up this part of my life in much depth. Now though, I have more time available and definitely intend to increase my experience of and receptivity to animal voices.

I'm sure that anyone who takes the time to truly watch and FEEL the videos above will feel similarly - I urge you not to allow longstanding mental programming and/or addiction to the taste sensation of eating dead animals to get in the way of your own evolution and participation in the healing of Earth.

Do you have any similar experiences to share?

Let me know in the comments section, I would love to hear about them. :)

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