SLAVE NO MORE! (series) Tips for liberation of the Earth / Heart | #3: The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.

  1. Introduction and a common formula for our enslavement
  2. Non physically branded as a slave by advertising
  3. The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.

In the previous posts in this series, I introduced the reality of how covert mind control is being actively used all around in society to attempt to change your behavior. I also introduced how it is often intended that you buy something you wouldn't otherwise buy and how usually the product is just a cheap imitation of something far more valuable that 'nature' would have freely provided if allowed.

In this post I am going to start taking your awareness into some of the deeper and darker parts of this situation and, unfortunately, I can tell you now that this is not going to be pretty - however it is necessary that we understand the situation and bring forth a response that is lovingly balanced. Such an enlightened response is the only way to solve the problems in an empowering way. This can all be used as a learning experience that results in greater self awareness and I recommend to use it as exactly that.

Recognising patterns is key

Much of our mind power is often dedicated to pattern recognition and this is often how we understand the events in life and so we usually highly value our ability to convert our understanding of patterns into useful choices and actions. The Stock markets of the world are essentially little more than the highly charged and organised focus into activity patterns on the planet, with an intention to gamble against them and 'profit'. With this in mind it should be obvious that those who desire to build personal power on Earth will invest a lot of resources and energy into studying patterns and then exploiting them for their own gain. It is important that we each learn to do this too - since being aware of patterns and asking deep questions is simply part of being awake and of understanding our experience of life.

Reverse engineering the thought behind the patterns

What is the result, then, if some groups decide to 'tamper' with the patterns we experience for their own benefit? What if some of them are even sadists and psychopaths with no love in them and even a specific malicious streak which seeks to do us harm? What harm might they be doing to us collectively without us noticing?

It is these questions which the events in my life have prompted me to ask and I have enough answers now to want to bring them forward here and share them with the world.

By looking at the patterns in society that are present within particular groups we can learn quite a lot that is useful. We can learn, for example, what their agendas are, how they think, what they think of others in society - and so on. However, since I am pointing you at some of the shadier characters on Earth here, there is something you need to consider - these beings have NO scruples! They have been 'paying' intelligent people for a long time to deeply understand (scientifically) how to effectively lie to large numbers of us and to not be detected. Many of us, even now, are still innocent and naive enough to believe the images that these individuals and groups have fed us for many decades and so the images we hold of them are very far removed from the actual reality of them and their intentions.

I am going to use the example here of Sainsburys supermarket - who have a strong presence in Britain, but also now in other areas of the planet too. I could easily pick on other large corporations too - but Sainsburys have provided me with enough easy examples of the mind control they are using that I want to share them with you here.

Connecting a supermarket to Orwellian hive mind programming?

OK, strap on your crash helmet if you need to. This is going to be a bumpy trip...

Sainsburys operates a 'nectar card' 'rewards scheme' where shoppers access discounts when they use the card. Why is it called a nectar card?

nectar card

Bees collect nectar from flowers, so there is a surface connection being made between humans being the bees (workers) and Sainsburys being the artificially inserted "flower of nature that gives what is needed" (for a price).

human bees

What do you see in the above image?

Humans with food? or worker bees with pollen sacks?

bee with sacks

One of the ways that we have been controlled is in the way we are, as children, bio-chemically, emotionally and thus spiritually altered by the use of refined sugar. We offer children prizes of sugary 'treats' for 'being good' and take them away for 'being bad'. This is the foundation of many adults' sugar addictions as they struggle with bi-polar emotions which have been informed that they are good and/or bad for desiring a particular taste or blood chemistry. Connecting this sugar addiction in with choices as to which shop to use and the underlying pattern of 'how we get our food' is just another tool in the mind control agenda that will always use whatever patterns are already present in the culture and twist them further to advance the agenda of those who desire to control.

The following image is one i took of a poster that was positioned to the side of a pedestrian escalator that enters a large Sainsburys supermarket in central London. At the bottom of the escalator was a 'Starbucks' coffee/cake/biscuits shop. As you can see, the poster contains a subtly encoded message that bears no real relation to the clothing company Juicy Couture, that the poster is allegedly there to advertise.

eat sugar

So... 'eat candy', 'live for sugar'.. then Starbucks and then Sainsburys - all as you travel down an automated stairway that you cannot control, direct or leave easily.

the shitstem

There are so many threads to expose here that I cannot possibly do it in one post - an entire book could be written just on this one set of connections I am highlighting here.

Drones, Heartlessness and Trauma based mind control

The BRANDS involved in the previous examples can lead us to discover more details of the problem here. Many have highlighted that the trauma based mind control programs operating in America often particularly involve famous singers, actors and politicians who are programmed and groomed to become famous and yet are also victims / slaves of those in the shadows. Brittany Spears and Madonna are two of the most researched and most likely victims of so called 'monarch' mind control programming and you will find millions of pages and videos on that subject if you search for it.



The Wikipedia page for 'Juicy Couture' specifically mentions these two as being involved with the brand - if only through promotion.

Here, actress Roseanne Barr speaks to RT news on the subject of the MKUltra style enslavement of Hollywood and thus also significant portions of the world:

So without much effort it is possible to connect that one advertising poster to an entire hive of possible mind control programming - which literally does intend to organise human minds into a kind of hive collective - being fueled by sugar, coffee, low quality pop music and whatever devices can be used to maintain control and to limit free thinking.

What is a drone?

"Drone - an entity that performs functions deemed too lowly or undesirable for those who direct them."

In that sense, the perfect drone is an entity that does not contain capacity to think or feel, that instead follows orders irrespective of outcome.

As can be seen in the above video, drones are being used as ways to escalate conflict and to enact violence that most humans would not be involved in due to their own heart stopping them. The heart will, when not suppressed, feel opposition to such heartlessness, this is part of why military groups attempt to train members not to feel, claiming that 'choosing not to feel is how you will survive in battle'; whereas, in fact, the opposite is true - since feeling is a requirement of balance and cognition.

The ones claiming that numbness is a survival requirement are commonly holding beliefs that some feelings cannot be both felt and survived - rather than be honest and reconsider their beliefs, they are unconsciously acting out the beliefs with regularly fatal results. Denial is also the root of why 'government drones' make such statements as "we must use our own capabilities to overpower the actions of the ones who have shown their illegitimacy by attacking their own people" without noticing that all attacks of one against another is an attack of 'our own people' because we humans are truly all one people. The false boundaries of nations and the willful ignoring of the fact that such boundaries mostly serve no helpful purpose beyond division is a cause for concern in itself.

Here is an interview done by news source RT, with a whistle-blower from the us drone program where he reveals the lack of awareness and consciousness that is involved:

What other forms of drones exist on earth?

Other appearances of drones on the planet are among communities of bees. The structure is often identified there as 'queen', 'male drone' and 'female worker'. The drones 'service' the queen and the workers do everything else.

Some have noticed a similarity between the bee structure and some human structures that have evolved. The alleged British 'queen' is seen to be head of a hierarchy of others who 'work for the crown'; among these are those labeled as 'lords' and these are often the ones who front the hierarchy of various corporations such as large shops and other industrial activities.

What is shared by all of the uses of drones?

Heartlessness and a lack of love and freedom.

When i see all of these patterns converge, I cannot help but imagine that the social engineers and power gamers are attempting to manipulate humanity by similar forms of exploitation that bee-keepers use against bees.. What could be a better prize for a psychopathic power addict than to have an entire planet of humans under their control? Producing all the 'nectar' that the psychopath could ever desire! Worse still, it appears - based on the lived experiences of our planet, that the 'nectar' these ones seek is in the form of fear, death and destruction with no end.

Are we going to continue to allow these 'thinkers' to use their minds to attempt to remotely control nearly everyon? Having us fighting each other to death as if we are nothing more than pawns in a game of chess? It is not enough to simply stop using their corporations - but at least that is a start. Learning to grow your own food is one of the best things you can do.

Our future?

We are being manipulated and suppressed subliminally in many, many ways. Please awaken your heart and remember to love yourself enough to desire freedom and not hide from the corporate oppression masquerading as 'a service'. The directing of drones to kill innocents is not separate from the directing of your children to become corporate drones, indeed, the same entities are involved with the causation of both corporate agendas and genocide.

Thankfully, we who are aware of these sick games are growing in numbers - please do whatever you can to escape the traps and co-create the divine experiences on Earth that have been intended for us all along. I'll leave you here with a great example of appropriate rebellion from London based (ex 'love police') Danny shine:

Danny Shine - anarcho-mind-wizard - interrupts the convenience of mind control programming in a Sainsbury's supermarket:

Stay tuned here for more to come on this subject soon. Love!

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