Feel The Pain And Let It Go

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The time we start to feel the pain, we tense up and our muscle contracts. We shut the lid light of the body to try not to allow the pain. Just think about the water, when it gushes, even the biggest damn can be broken down and fall apart!

The more we fight or resist with pain, the more it can hurt us. Feel the pain, open yourself to it. Do not resist, relax instead. When you let the pain to flow through you freely, it will eventually lose its power or momentum.

I've heard people asking, Don't you agree when others say that pain is in the head? Most people would say that pain is in the body. Since your mind feels the pain, the pain can be controlled by a body with trained mind.

Mind over matter

Proper relaxation is the best skill to learn for effective pain control. Pain problem comes from the chronic tension of the muscles. Proper relaxation techniques should be used to relax your muscles.

Online workshops and courses are available online to learn or even master relaxation techniques.

Try putting less attention to a huge three friends of pain, sadness, anger, and pain. Our tolerance of pain won't be impaired if we put less focus on these three things. Our feelings of pain are affected by our own emotions. 

When we focus on welcoming positive thoughts and feelings such as love, joy, and compassion it is most likely that we feel less pain.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

As the common saying goes, we all need to laugh to get rid of the pain. You can even laugh the pain. A day without laugh and smile is a day wasted.  Laughter is free, and there are no side effects!

If there is nothing to laugh at, you can find ways to do it. Schedule yourself to watch funny videos, movies and read joke books, get yourself a funny items and more.

Start inventing a noble quote and purpose for your pains. "I welcome all the pain to free my heart."

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