8 months 243 days 350+ articles One article per day, honest feedback. I gotta change things up !


Steemit is a wild place to be and a posting plan makes things easier. Honestly, I never expected to be able to sustain a one article per day posting regime for more than half a year.

I loved doing it at the beginning, then I hated it, then I loved it again.

But now..... things are different.


Having a writing schedule has great benefits. Both in productivity and development. But honestly, it has a lot of negatives too.

So I'll try to share my thoughts based on the experience so far.

Also, everything I've written so far is Original content, written and expressed by me.


Writing an article per day allows you to improve your writing skills like never before. If you thought that writing classes in school were easy gues again.

I've seen an enormous boost in my creative writing skills since I started doing this. At a given point you stop thinking about topics or niches and all them back thoughts regarding what should one write.

Typing speeds and everything get an upgrade too.

I guess writing an article per day brakes in any emotional struggles or issues. Overall it's a great thing to do, both for a creative, mechanical and discipline boost.

Overall I don't regret writing an article per day. It has blessed me with so many gifts that there can't be any room for regrets. Creative writing and writing in general has also given me many social wise benefits outside the platform. It allowed me to refine my way of speech and vocabulary. Thus making conversations way easier between people in real life circumstances.

Although it goes to say that the negatives are a bunch too.


First of all I need to note down that following a "Niche" didn't help me one single bit. It restricted me and set a sort of expectation as to what I gotta publish. I guess its ok for the first month or two but one reaches a point of dryness after a certain amount of time.

This means finding topics and new stuff to write gets harder by every post you do, as you have probably written most of what you can share at a given time.

This in the long run will probably lose you a steady following, just because some people have expectation of what they want to read. And as soon as you change things up, they tend to lose interest in your stuff.

A huge mistake I made !


This is my laptop's keyboard. My previous laptop got stolen, so I had to buy this one two months after joining the platform.

The keyboard was brand spanking new. The keys were matted. And now if you have a closer look they are shiny and lose. Most of them aren't even firm anymore.


For comparison's sake, here are the keys on the new laptop I got today.

I highly recommend using a 3rd party keyboard if someone is planing to invest a lot of time and writing here. Especially if using a laptop. The keyboards cost a ton to replace.


To sum things up, I have to say that I need to move on from writing. I genuinely can't do this for a full year because it stopped being beneficial at one point.

And that's why I got a new laptop. I've been waiting for it to arrive for quite some time now. Mainly bought it so I can work on videos and other GFX related stuff.

I'm kinda pushing myself to start making different content and to be honest I have no idea how this will have effect on everything I've done so far.

I was thinking of making fun and comedy like videos. Mainly trying to focus on community involvement, meaning that most of the thing I will do for you guys :).

Like Talk topics, QNA's, Lets play series and other stuff.

I really need to change my topics because I feel as if stuck and repeating the same damn thing over and over again.

I hope you guys like what I'm going to post later on. Will be working on making a small recording corner starting from tomorrow.

Some good news though !

At the moment I'm stuck with 2 laptops and currently thinking of selling one. Depending on how my future plans are, related to finances of course. I might end up doing a giveaway or something so someone can actually put this to good use <3


I know some people can find it hard to afford new gear. I've been there and currently still am.

Will be announced in my upcoming videos.

So..... Yeah.... That's all from me ! Wish you all the best !

Thanks for reading !


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