A helper's Guide to Understanding the Kundalini Metamorphosis : 1 The Begining


For the last year and something, I've been going through a full blown Kundalini awakening. The struggles were grave and not having any source of info or a teacher just made everything a nightmare.

So now when I feel more stable and more complete I thought about sharing some information on the subject in hopes of helping people like me find an understanding and getting rid of the fears of change. Overall numbers of Kundalini awakenings seem to be increasing around Europe and people like me are finding themselves in something they never knew existed.

Disclaimer: All the following information is regarding an already active Full Blown activation. There will not be any information regarding means of activation. I do "NOT" recommend invocation by any means without a master, teacher OR preparation.

Phase One: Making Roads

The transformation itself offers a great opportunity to transform a person's life but that person must be willing to surrender himself to the process otherwise resistance is created and more pain.

The start of the process is initiated with a huge burst of energy flowing from the base of the spine where it lays dormant and spreading towards out the entire body. Unblocking (Burning) through any blocked energy paths.

The energy afterward reaches the head where it does the same to the neurocircuits in the brain.

This doesn't really clean any big traumas, it only allows the blocked roads to them to be unsealed for further cleansing.

After a while, the energy settles down and starts working in normal patterns. The initial burst is only there to unblock all the roads that have been sealed throughout the time.

The main point

The whole process itself does the following. It melts down our personality structure in order to create a new more unified self. Also, it cleans the Emotional Body and the whole nervous system.

The personality is a construct we create that helps us source out a sense of Identity in this world, we also add traits to it in hopes of adaptation. The one downside of the personality is that it has a closed structure, meaning that it is LIMITED to our allocations.

We tend to use a HUGE amount of energy to fuel our personality, where the process tends to revert that energy to its natural source of usage, boosting our creativity and intellectual potential and growth.

Many people are unknowingly using their life-force energy to animate their personality primarily to get validation for their self-image.

Human beings are constantly creating wonders around the world, but mainly we create things with the tendency to get something out of it. Our focus is locked upon the physical which means that our time and energy is allocated towards physical gain.

By playing this game, we are combative and competitive with others and the world’s resources are something to be owned and obtained.

When we flip into the inner dimensions of the self, bringing the same means towards our own being we find ourselves waging war against ourselves until the point of break, where a profound realization is found.

Phase One-Two: Into the depths

We've always had control over our body and mind. But when the metamorphosis begins a sense of helplessness arises. Our nervous system starts to rewire, the body starts to move on its own, twitching, bending, flexing as the blocked nervous canals get unstuck. Pain is created all around the body, joints start to dislocate and relocate, also the breath stops at times.

The whole process itself is quite frightening to someone who might not know what the heck is going on but it is all a natural occurrence as the body cleanses itself. The more one fears it and struggles the greater resistance he places onto the process. This means that the time needed will be longer.

As the body starts to re-wire the nervous system takes a shock and that ends up reflecting in the mind. To the people that aren't ready this can lead to a state of psychosis or a nervous breakdown or even near death experiences.

Some people that have invoked Kundalini Shakti have been left with burned out root chakras, or in other words, imbalanced sexual organs, leading them into an undying thirst for sexual activity that some say is unquenchable by any physical means.

The Physical Goal

During the time that the Kundalini process is active, it draws on the most potent reservoir of vital energy in the body, which is located in the sex organs.

The overall goal is to rewire the body in such a way that it is no longer only dependant on the sex organs, rather taking in vital energy from other organs. Also to clean any energetic blockages.

To be continued in part 2


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