Answering the great questions behind Mysticism: What is the relationship between mysticism and psychology (eg. John of the Cross and Carl Jung)?


Mysticism and Psychology

Psychology is society's accepted method on putting definitions on how we work as conscious beings.

It tries to define our inner mechanics, going at it from a scientific perspective, yet science revolves around the physical.

What we see and what we can come in contact with is labeled real. Psychology tries to derive conditions based on our body's functions, like the body being a receiver, yet that is not all to the subject.

Our minds and our thoughts have the capability to interact with the body as much as any external source.


The way we function on a inner basis is so complicated that it goes beyond physical at some points. We are limited to our sensory perception and there are some things that go beyond it. These things are too complex of a structure to be fathomed in a single word representation.

Great philosophers like "Jung" try to structure these mechanics in empirical concepts. Rather than focusing on the physical connections, they focus on how mental structures interact with one another to create unique mixtures.

Id rather stress over the concept of psychology that is created today. People think that psychological issues are derivatives from external sources, which is to the most correct, but they believe that these things can be cured by further stimulation with other things that have a reversal polarized effect.

It's like taking a spit in someone's drinking glass by accident, afterwards pouring some bleach on it in hopes it cleans up.

Sorry for the rough example but that's what came up.

Psychology is the outcome or visible variations in someone after a mystical reaction.

Mysticism can rather be more related to philosophy than psychology.

A basic example of a mystical experiencing would be having a vivid dream. It is as if it never existed, yet it did and it can have an impact on our lives.

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