Life after Shaktipat in Central Europe


This is a follow up on my previous article regarding a lifestyle of Wu-Wei.

In this one, I'm going to share a short life story that scrapes the surface of my experience. So let me share with you my life's story for the past two years, regarding how I Initiated myself in Shaktipat and what that did to me.

What is Shaktipat ?

This can be seen as a sort of Ritual in different cultures, many have different descriptions of the Phenomenon itself. But I must say that the Hindu nature of it is the best Described and most relating.

The ritual, or right itself describes an initiation where one individual embarks on an internal Journey towards self liberation and understanding. Or in other words an Awakening of the Human Spirit.

But it goes to say that there are different variables and levels of Shaktipat, all with their unique way and requirements.


What best describes my Experience is :tīvra-madhya-śaktipāta, although there is a greater complexity to this, so I can't really say that these levels and different types are limited to what is shown on the Table itself. When one starts walking the Path he can't relate to boundaries that are pre-determined by text.

tīvra-madhya-śaktipāta - "Supreme Medium Grace" - such a being becomes spiritually illuminated and liberated on his own, relying directly on Śiva, not needing initiation or instruction from another exterior guru. This is facilitated by an intense awakening of his spiritual intuition (pratibhā) which immediately eliminates ignorance.

Some people may ask: What happens? How does this happen ?

My honest answer is that this is not entirely a personal choice. It is a gift and grace. Physically how this happened was I had a Spontaneous Seizure, that rendered me Unconscious.

After waking up I couldn't see the world the same way as before.

The Elimination of Ignorance


From a personal perspective, I've relied a lot on Ignorance as an aspect of my life. To the point that it saved me from the burden of dealing with specific aspects of my Life, aspects I had no intentions of dealing with.

After being stripped away from my ignorance, it felt as if Every burden I had ignored was punching me in the face. This led me and pushed/forced me to start dealing with my personal issues, one way or another.

Those were times of crisis for me because I had to somewhat create a false sense of self, only to fit in with the others. Or rather not show what was going on inside of me to others.

This was something really hard to manage and sustain back then.

As time passed I found ways to manage this and better myself.

Living in Europe with a lack of Spiritual Traditions

Eastern Spiritual traditions are an Amazing Opportunity and blessing for the people that have direct access to them, yet I can say that its quite hard finding people that understand these kinds of events in Europe. There are specific groups that seek and live a spiritually orientated life here in Europe but most of them are way seekers and gradual students.

This means that they follow the normal long term safe and right way of seeking. A way that eliminates the pain and suffering. The correct way of learning in my mind.

Yet what I was experiencing wasn't exactly matching their ways. Everything was hard and painful for me. There weren't people around me that understood what was going on within me, heck even I didn't know back then. Which led to a ton of unnecessary anxiety and fear, that made things even harder.

I had to learn, study and read about what was going on from Books or the internet and the main source of study was myself of course. I was like an open book that was hard to read even for the author himself.


The experience of Shaktipat is a great Honor, I can't imagine any better opportunity or blessing. But with that honor comes a great amount of pain for the ones that embark on the journey alone. At this point I feel OK and I can see a great change within myself. It took me years but they were well spent in learning and growing. I've red many things and studied many authors.

I see many people in Central EU opening up to Eastern teachings and Spirituality. So within my mind these kinds of experiences are somewhat Inevitable for many. The greatest advice I can give to people interested in this is to find a guru and ask him anything related.

Thanks for reading !


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