Modern Fear : How it was and how it is



Fear is part of our defensive response system. It has been with us from the birth of mankind and has helped protect our species from extinction. Nowadays though it has been transformed and transmuted, attached to things that aren't trying to kill us, well at least not in a linear way. Fear now is derived from the lack of comfort and the defensive algorithm has changed towards defending our pride rather than life.

The Modern Model

Having a car to go to work or a nice flat screen TV to watch 4K Movies on, to the people that don't have these accessories, they are indifferent to some point, yet to the ones that do and have worked hard to get them, they would be sources of fear.

What happens when you buy a brand new Phone and you've spent a massive amount of money, hand to hand with effort. You would buy a case and screen protector in hopes it doesn't brake or scratch if one is to drop it.

We fear damaging our possessions not because we are attached to them, rather we fear losing time and effort. Subconsciously nobody wants to work and grind, nobody wants to waste his life's time to obtain something he already placed efforts into.
It is in our genes to move forward in every way possible, including our physical expression.

See in the old days man took life as a gift, fearing he may lose it, being taken by another, now we mainly take it for granted and rather stress over its benefits.

From my looking point, everything which doesn't put our life in danger is rather something to grow from or something that shouldn't be in your system. True fear lies within that which may hurt us on many levels altogether. True fear lies in that which we may not overcome, the scale that weighs the outcome based on third party sources.

Everything which isn't infront of you or isn't going to end your life isnt fear, it's rather a lesson.

Don't be a victim of your fears, be free

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