The Emotional Psychology Behind Writing : Five 5 things that will help you write better.


Emotional Spectrum

The main thing to be addressed when one starts to write is the emotions he will etche into words. Our emotions are to some extent a regulatory system for our speech, they also define the way we interpret things when we are reading. Therefore the emotional spectrum that we are operating on will be to some extent etched into our writings, this means that you are going to be sparking the same emotions in others in their own unique way of expression.
That is one of the beautiful things about being a writer.

By the aforementioned we need to double check our emotions before writing anything, ask yourself; Would others like to feel the way this makes me feel? Always double check what you're putting out, is it negativity or positivity. Love or fear.


The interesting thing with surroundings is that they also correlate with the aforementioned emotional spectrum. Our surroundings define our current emotional feel. For instance, how would you feel if you were on a seaside villa with palm trees and a cool drink writing about life, and how would you feel if you did the same but at your work space.

The most amazing thing to help with this is creating a creative space. Like a study or a nice space in your home where you would feel nice.

Current Day Circumstances

As human beings we are social animals and need outlets for the things that impact is on a daily basis. Some of these things are left on a subconscious level and we bleed them out one way or another. Now this too is interconnected with the emotional spectrum but in a more abstract way, unless something huge has affected you and is stuck in your conscious thinking.

If you have had a nice day, you'd probably want to express it somehow, meaning that small bits will be expressed through your writing in a non linear way, mainly through emotions etched in different words.


At this point the whole article is kinda focused on emotions so ok just pop this segment totally about the subject at hand.
Maintaining a emotional equilibrium will guarantee you the same reading experience although the whole thing. Doing this will make the reading experience a pleasure and people won't be in a roller-coaster ride, trying to grasp the shifting feel of your writings.

I personally find it a bit hard to read things that have been made in segments, I can almost see how the author felt when he wrote.

Gathering The Right Inspiration

With the right amount of inspiration we can just scratch everything we've mentioned till now. Huge amounts of inspiration is like taking heavy drugs for writing, it cuts away at any obstacles allowing us not only to write like machines, but see the whole thing as if it was already written.

Writing without inspiration is the most painstakingly hard thing for a author to do.

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