The Human Chakra system, a word of advice and warning.


Many people are gaining interest in the Mystical Wonders of the Human chakra system, but little do actually know what the Chakras are. Most think that they are some magical bubbles that have the power to mystically change our life experiences.

Now that is right, but viewing them as magical bubbles is only one simple way of perceiving them.

So let me share with you my point of view based on experience.

The Bubbles


This colored bubble ideology dates back quite some time. Back in the day's people didn't use complex science to describe the inner workings of a Human being. Things were simple and understandable, sadly our viewing points have changed on a mass scale and now we rather function on a "prove it or get out" lifestyle method.

Although this method opens up huge gaping holes of mistrust and a sit back and watch someone do it so I can believe its real request, it provides people with the comfort of trusting something they can actually relate to in a physical form.

Believing and trying to manipulate Chakras seems to be one of the top priorities among today's social Spiritual Gurus.

Also selling chakra balancing plans on Fiverr has never been more financially pleasing to some.

The truth is that the Chakra system CAN be altered by only using one individual's lust to do so, but that opens up a great opportunity for the Law of Cause and Effect to be used.

I'd like to call this "The Facebook/Youtube Ascended guru masters chakra handbook. Containing two steps.

Step One: Know the colored balls, call them chakras.
Step Two: Try doing something to them with your mind and cross fingers something good comes out of it!

And here's what I'm talking about.

What chakras really represent and do.

Chakras are in fact Organs. Every main chakra represents a main Functioning organ within the Human Body.


But those 7 are connected to a complex system of energetic pathways that are intertwined with the nervous system and other body elements.

Changes to the Main 7 chakras result in changes to the biochemical reactions within the organs. This creates imbalances within the Human nervous system that might lead to depression, anxiety, extreme pain, uncontrollable lust for sexual activity, suicidal thoughts and more fun things.

But NEVER FEAR! The facebook Gurus are here! As there are negative side effects there are positive ones too, like bliss ecstasy and other goodies.

Heres an in-depth overview of what I'm talking about.


Sorry if the text is too small, nobody likes reading clusters of text anyway, so I'l drop the Facebook/youtube simplified version.



Lets put the satire aside. In this article I wanted to notion that there are a ton of sources of information around the internet regarding Spiritual Practices. More specific, ones that are related to forcefully manipulation the Biochemical energy within the Human body.

I am not a Guru, I am not a saint, but I am a man who has suffered a lot of pain through practicing unskilled energy work. I wanted to raise awareness regarding this topic as it leads to people getting damaged.

Don't trust that retarded youtube video, its only purpose is to make money through views.

Do research before doing anything and follow the traditions and proven methods.

Doing may lead to overdoing at points.

Better off, attend classes, lectures OR find an actual Guru.


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