How To Control Anger

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Dear Friends, Both positive and negative events occur in our daily lives. We are happy about positive developments but we are angry at negative events. Nowadays life has become so busy that anger gets over small things and this anger sometimes takes a fickle form, which has to do with us a lot of loss. Some people get used to being angry and they are angry all the time. When the angry person makes a habit of anger, then he can not control his anger even after wanting. Anger also has a bad effect on our health and many people become victims of depression and their blood pressure increases. Today I want to tell you some ways to control anger. By adopting these methods, you can control your anger and make your life pleasant.

1 Think before You Speak :
If you get angry, whatever you say to the person standing in front, before you speak, think that you are not going to say anything wrong. If you think that's right then say so. Do not talk in loud voice. In this way, you will also be saved by misinterpretation and your relationship with the person standing in front will not be bad either.

2 Change the place when you get angry :
Whenever you get annoyed you immediately leave that place. Apart from this, the person who gets angry at you, immediately move away from him and go somewhere else. The advantage in this way is that at the place where the person you are angry with does not remain in front of you and you get angry and avoid the consequences.

3 Think about something good :
This is a great way to annoy anger, whenever you get angry in it, you start thinking something good. You can use your Imagine Power for this. Using Imagine Power, you can think of some of the old pleasant moments of your life, or you can calm your anger by using some beautiful images.

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4 The rule of forgiveness and forgery :
The rule of forgetting anger to escape is very effective. For this, you can forget the negative feelings of a person, if someone has said something bad, then he can forget it. If someone has made a mistake that he can be forgiven, then forgive him immediately. By adopting this rule you can avoid anger without reason and can also create an image of a good person in the eyes of the people.

5 Leave your bad habits :
If you take cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc. then leave it immediately because all these things work to increase anger. Besides, all these things also have a bad effect on your health. All these things also cost money, so leave all these things and move towards a happy life.

6 Scream and shout in alone :
Whenever you are getting more angry, you should move away from that place and move to a secluded place and scream and shout very loudly. Doing this will expose your inner anger and you will begin to feel calm in this way. Avoid annoying others and feel good about themselves. Friends, this method of cooling down is very good and effective, sometimes I also try it and it succeeds.

7 Learn to use self help words :
If you use self help words two or three times a day, you will not get angry and if you come then it will be very less. You can use these self help words ... ..
A- I am a pacifier.
B- I always think positively.
C- I am always happy, etc.
If you use these self help words, you can control your anger very much, you can create self help words yourself too.

8 Rule of waiting :
Sometimes it happens that someone has said something wrong or done something that has given your anger a lot, then you feel that instantly go to that person and say bad things to him or give him some physical harm. If such an anger comes to you, do not immediately go to that person; some time later or in some cases, then go to that person a few days after you do this because by the time your anger becomes calm and you do something wrong Are saved Then definitely adopt the rule of waiting.

9 Think positively and do positive activities :
The person should always be positive Minded. Whenever you get angry, you immediately start thinking positive. You can also be Involve in any Positive activity. Your anger will get rid of such activities. Anyway, if you think positively or are engaged in positive activities, anger will stay far away from you.

10 Count to 50 :
Whenever you get annoyed then one very good way is that you start counting up to 50 immediately, in this way your mind will be diverted and you will not get angry. In addition to this you should be involved in any activities to divert your mind. This is a great way to avoid anger.

11 Read good books and play games :
To avoid anger, you can read good books, for this you can read 7 or 8 pages every day with a positive book that can bring positive feelings inside you. Playing games is also a good way to avoid anger, it lets you stay healthy and feel good.

12 Listen to music and adopt meditation :
If you like listening to music then definitely listen. You can also use Meditation to escape anger. Apart from this, you can do Morning Walk and do Yoga everyday. Fresh Feel Fills Your Mind With All These Positive Activities And You Reduce Anger.

I Hope You Find these Tips Helpful. Feel Free to Comment, Upvote, Resteem and Follow. Have a Good Day ;)

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