Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

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A cup of tea, hot or cold room according to the season, comfortable bed and slow music in the ears. Can there be a better life than that? Of course you will answer, "no".

Now wait a minute and think ... if it always remains like this then could it be a lot of life. Of course this time also you will have the answer, "no". For a while then it all looks good. But if it has to stay like this then it is very painful. Why is not it? Yes, because there is no development in this life, there is no possibility, there is no adventure.

It has been said that change is the only constant ....

Yet many people will make things bigger but will not accept anything in their life. Such people lose every opportunity to come because of not accepting new circumstances. Then get frustrated with depression and depression. Ever wondered, why would that happen? The only reason behind this is their Comfort Zone.

What is this Comfort Zone?

The denial of any person's change has a direct meaning that he wants to go into a built-in rig, which we call generally the Comfort Zone. We make so much habit of living in it that we do not think anything else. This Comfort Zone is a small area of ​​limited thinking that we have drawn around us. Our attachment to such a narrow realm makes a mix of fear in our resolutions. We are afraid to accept anything outside this scope.

In fact, Comfort Zone is a special mental state. We are so badly caught in this in our everyday life that when we live inside it we do not have any deep experience of excitement ... No excitement, no Noisy, passion, no love, no attachment, no fear, no nervousness, no pain, no happiness Everything mechanically

In the morning, brushed the teeth, ate breakfast and went to the office, did the routine work, watched the TV and then came home and slept. Or say life is cut in a pile. So the stress level is very low. Because whenever we want to think something new or weigh any feelings from any of the above expressions, our stress level increases.

How is this Comfort Zone built?

A young child always wants to do something new, wants to do everything differently in different ways. Immediately, Parents interrupt not to do this. When he go to school, Teacher interrupt not to do this. The elder siblings say that what is right about what is wrong, this process keeps going whole life. The child starts doing the same thing which he had been told because he fears that if he is going to do that, he will not do all that which is being said, then in the society, the most different, the person will be negative. He is afraid of being rejected.

Sometimes parents and teachers treat child in many ways to make their point, punish them. Slowly, the child starts running on the law of the society. To some extent it is also right that in such a way, he becomes a society-sanctioned citizen. But the same child grows up and fears to do something new with the fear of being rejected by society.

Papa has said to be a doctor .... To be asleep Even if you are trying to become a mind artist. Marriage is to be done by the choice of mummy. Even if the girl / boy liked by him / herself had to forget.

Embarrassed with great brutality, emotions do something new or do something with their will because the fear of what people will say dominates the mind.

Why break the Comfort Zone?

Because then you can find out your true value ... because then you can recognize the hidden potential possibilities within you. Just think, if a river ran just straight line for its comfort, would he ever reach the ocean? No, therefore, where he cut the stone, where the stone could not be cut, the direction of the stream changed, wherever it seemed necessary, a slight flowing in the opposite direction, looking at the favorable location, takes the right direction. The river teaches us to break your comfort zone and proceed in every situation in every way ... reaching your goal.

Benefits of breaking the Comfort Zone :

Your work capacity increases.
When something new suddenly changes in life, you easily adapt with it.
If you want to do something new in the future, you can easily do it.
You can easily increase your creativity.
Most importantly, you do not live life.

Why it is Difficult To Break The Comfort Zone:

There was a great use of Comfort Zone. It was found in that when we work while living in the Comfort Zone, the levels of our stress are normal. In this we live comfortably. If we increase the level of stress to get out of this, our performance improves. This place is just out of our Comfort Zone, which is called Maximal English level. That is, so many stress can tolerate our body easily. It keeps our best performance in it. After this, if the level of stress increases then the performance decreases. The performance turns to zero after the level of an organization increases after one level. This is the point of understanding that every person wants to live in the Zero Stress level by nature.

If you increase the stress level slightly then the performance will improve and the results will be positive. But if you suddenly increase the stress level more then the result will be negative. It is with most people that they create a very high goal and simultaneously give up all their strengths, but there is no address to catch such stress. Then they leave the work half and come back to the Comfort Zone. That is why it is very difficult to break the Comfort Zone.

How To Break The Comfort Zone?

It is clear from the above use that if you have made a very serious habit of living your lives in a particular way, then it means that you have been imprisoned in your comfort zone. If fortune changes and suddenly you If you have an opportunity to do something new in life then you will not be able to do it. Your level of community level will increase so that you will not be able to tolerate stress and will come back to your comfort zone.

You have seen such examples that many children who are fully relaxed in the home after getting jobs in other cities come out of their jobs, or girls who have been bought up in the maternal home can not bear the pressure of work in the in-laws' house.

You have to extend your comfort zone. There are some ways that you can easily come out of your comfort zone. Let's see them:

Take Gradual steps:

Gradually increase the stress level by spreading the big work into small pieces and increasing it further. This will keep your comfort zone extended. Like if you are hesitant to talk to the people then if you meet only for the first time, just say hello with smile, talk about one line, next time. It is necessary to come out of the Comfort Zone, increasing your every step towards identifying your fears and removing them every day.

Occasionally do things differently:

You do your daily work differently. Many people get used to their pillow so much that they do not sleep without them. So sometimes sleep in another room. Go to the office in a different way. Shop from that shop which has not been so far. Try not to eat a particular item in a week or make something different. Gradually you will find that you will not feel too much difficulty in adopting new situations.

Rule of judgment in two minutes:

If you decide to settle for long periods of time, then most likely you can not make decisions. Your comfort zone leaves you in a state of indecision and you are left behind in the race for success. Which vegetable will be cooked today ... in two minutes. Which of the two shirts take a decision in two minutes, decide which new way to go in two minutes. With this, you will assess all the situation within 2 minutes and your brain will move faster.

Travel New Places :

When you go to another city, you have to make many adaptations like weather, climate, food and drink. When you go to other cities again and again, your comfort zone will have been completely demolished. When you come back from the top, you come across many experiences. I.e. one free with one. Is not it fun

Learn something new:

There is so much knowledge in the world, if you are busy in the office or at home, you will be imprisoned in the Comfort Zone every day. Learn something new Read books of new topics, learn new languages, drive cars, and photography, always learn something new and see how the track of your monotonous life changes.

So are you ready to break the chains of your comfort zone? Are you ready to grow and to capitalize your potential ... so why do not start from today!

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