This morning I woke up next to some trees! Recently having deciding to leave life as is called by most of family, government, people, and society. Always thinking on some path of life. Always finding a new path although the same path which is that of my thought (and actions). Something about being out in nature. This has become even more true for me since getting Meningitis a little over a year ago. Tried moving "home" thinking life would be easier. Ended up finding life to be harder. Maybe because other people live "harder" lives. Most people have to get up and go to some job. Not me.
So I find myself back on a life path more of my own and not someone else's. Getting away from the attachments and problems of other people's lives. This caused me to have a bad case of ear ringing. This is also effected by cell phone towers and smart meters. Yes I can actually "hear" them or sense them in some manner that causes ringing. This is hard for many people to even imagine. How can you hear something like that.
Finding that sleeping on the ground near a tree is much better for the energy. A person's chi is much more charged this way. Have found myself going back to this as well as other things. Finding myself still short on sleep. So these writings may be a little "messy". Just a means to offer an expression. Only so much energy so therefore I find myself living differently. Will have to write about different parts of my thoughts. As I get a feel for what thoughts I and others may want expressed.
Part of my dilemma is being diagnosed with a disease some call a form of living dementia. part of my dilemma is not wanting to write because of some thoughts. Learn that living in the present moment is best. This means not thinking about the past and future. Although there is only now. Or the present now moment. Can't think of all the best / right terms right now. But there may be more of a past present and future present. Having found many of these ideas and others quite interesting. to understand, then to be understood...
...connecting to disconnect and connecting to disconnect...