Staying somewhere for helping around the house and living off of casino comps for proof of work of playing poker moving chips around at the casino working in attempt to catch more chips that I give away based on computation power of mine through calculated risk / reward choices / calculations.

Initially looked for something like a couch or a floor to sleep on the internet. But the internet wouldn't let me sleep on it for some reason. So had to rethink my initial thoughts. However I managed to make contact with a wonderful women who let me stay with her for a few weeks for helping with numerous projects around her house. This opportunity helped me stay in line with my idea of living without money and also alternative ways of living. Even getting to stay in a bedroom with my very own bathroom which makes the deal even better with included internet so I can be sure to spend some time on steemit!
Also playing a poker promotion at the near by casino, Maryland Live Casino. They are giving away $500 for every 50 hours playing Hold Em during the week, from Wednesday to Tuesday until the end of this month. Hotels are a little expensive around here to stay at by myself to justify my trip here. But having found a place to stay that won't cost me any money has enabled me to take chance of this opportunity.
Led me to think about proof of work concepts as a means of living as opposed to having to make money. Trading work or skills and resources for other resources as a means to live. Also the added benefit of exchanging time as opposed to money because time is not taxable for example.
Hoping to one day be able to live off of cryptocurrencies more directly in some way. In the meantime I would like to explore other ideas as means of living that work towards the ideas of crypto using human resources. Over time watching for ways to combine more of the too. This way as to not need to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currency such as the U.S. Dollar. Being able to cut out dollars may help keep and make cryptocurrencies more valuable and usable over time.
Will continue to travel using casino comps as part of my means of covering "cost of living" expenses. Being a decent poker player and some places paying so many dollars per hour along with food and hotel stay comps it allows me to live at a lower (money) cost. May get my own place this summer or keep traveling depending on how things work out. Will be on hte look out for more ways to use STEEM and other cryptocurrencies for food, shelter, and what not as well!
Another thought is ways to earn crypto through proof of (human) work concepts. What if trash barrels rewarded people for throwing their trash away as opposed to throwing it on the ground for example. Many ideas to think about and great to see blockchains being more utilized and learned about everyday that may potentially increase our quality of life and increase fairer means of many things with distributed ledgers leading the path to more open intelligence with less corruption and hidden things.