Wanted to say a Big Thank You to @jacobts for openly sharing true self expression of gratitude as himself...

Thank you @jacobts for your A Thank You Letter to Virtual Growth! For such gratitude it only makes sense and is fair that I offer some kind of "letter" back to you. So without further ado...
Dear @JacobTS,
Thank you very much and you are most welcome in the form of a letter like back in the day before the internet when one would send a thank you letter for kind deeds and words.
There is no need to know each other personally. Think we need to get away from the "personal" thing and be more "open". Open to people, possibilities, and opportunities. I try to be open to these such things. THis is much of who and what I aim and try to be as "@virtualgrowth" as many have come to see and experience.
I do not know you personally. We haven’t done shows, worked, walked the streets or even shook hands. But we have met here because of Steemit. I have not won a contest or received anything financial. No, far more valuable has been all the work you do, the example you set for those here, and for your kind words.
Love that people appreciate the mind and being of @virtualgrowth that is kind of a @mindhunter hunted out of my own mind. Great that I have gone from producing $0.01 posts like yourself to not the more valuable posts that I have managed. But the reaction and message of your letter that expressed this: "No, far more valuable has been all the work you do, the example you set for those here, and for your kind words." My work is not work but more of a passion that is being recognized fr the greater values in life that may be expressed through steemit which allows most anyone to (freely) express themselves.
Kind words are what should be. If one's words are not kind then one is not being kind to self. We may think one is not being kind to another. But it goes both ways and will leave the depth of that thought to another thought.
Maybe I did not need to reply to your message. You took the time to send me a message and seems one should do the same. Appreciated hearing that you invested in Zappl as an extension of your involvement and investment in the community that we are all building together. No matter how big or small or otherwise you or others may think, you are another member of our community. Your simple thought is like that of anyone else's regardless of anything else. People seem to disregard this for some reason. Which I apparently don't understand by some of my actions that differ from others.
With your mention of sleep deprivation I am probably more sleep deprived with what life has handed me. This has however only caused me to work harder at who and what I am. Which is much of my philosophy that I share from time to time. That leads to surprises like the letter from you. Which I love to see as I feel it has (helped you) open up and/or understand something more about yourself maybe, me, and/or life in some way(s). Or maybe others will gain something from our shared ideas that have come about.
Agree that theater and the arts is a great place that we enjoy in part because of the isolation from may I say "society" life to present, share, and experience so much that lies outside of "safe place" of ideas of "human condition". I love dancing around the line of these "safe places" in different parts of life as it helps keep people on their toes and open up their minds. Hope that you keep at being more of yourself and find "richness" in your life not necessarily that of so called wealth, but whatever you may think to be of wealth to yourself. You appear to have much more wealth of knowledge that many so called wealthy people. Many times not having "it all" can be a blessing. Allowing you to appreciate that much more. Wish you well and the best with whatever you have and can have within your thoughts of having.
Not only did you listen, but you responded with something more precious than satoshis. You took your own time to share a little bit about your journey. I never would have imagined, but I am now all the more happy for your journey. My respect and appreciation for sharing your humanity and your story. My best wishes to you on your journey. I hope you run the tables on them kids at the World Series of Poker for starters. I hope everyone here is listening when you offer a helpful hand.
I ALWAYS seek to listen for in listening there is learning. And learning is one of the best beauties in life. It may very well be that we are the most intelligent in our perspective and universe as we are in the middle. In the middle of size in our understanding between the small subatomic particles and the big size of the universe as a whole that we can seem to observe in "one verse". Perhaps we are learning through our universe as our universe is learning though us...
I hope I run the tables at the WSOP too! Poker is one of my great passions. To me it is like life. But on one table and with a bunch of numbers. The deck is chaos and we find ourselves between chaos and entropy trying to find the best balance to not lose chips which is like the energy of the poker game. For without the "chip energy" you are no longer in the game. But with more chips the more life and energy you have in the game. Then coupled with the many characters interacting I find that poker games can be very much like a journey of life that we share while experiencing another.
Love hearing about people's journey and that is what beings me to share mine which is mostly a mystery. But shares when it overlaps with others much like the interference of life and energy we try to call reality. My journey has been of many connects and disconnects which most could never imagine as I strive to connect to disconnect and disconnect to connect to gain better understandings of all that of which I truly know nothing.
As far as bitshares and OpenLedger learn it as you go like anything else in life as we all do. I am fortunate to have knowledge and experience related to the different aspects of these as well as steemit. This has allowed to to excel in my own way(s). Which is another key to life and everything else... finding your own way. We all understand, experience, do, and think differently. Just make the best of it for yourself and others within your own understanding and possibilities. One beauty is they it always has the potential to get better like any facet of life.
Thank you for sharing your passions. Think they are in fact more popular but maybe not as much with so called crypto nerds. Who ever they may be. looks around Am sure some will read your Thank You letter to me as some have evident by their comments.
@virtualgrowth is a pretty awesome guy, always willing to drop in and say hey, and share a personal story relevant to the situation.
He tries quite hard here on steemit and glad to see someone take notice. ~ @taskmanager
I am here from life-trail channel on discord, it's good to know all this :)
@virtualgrowth is really awesome guy :) ~ @aashishkandel
I agree @virtualgrowth is a great guy and I'm glad to have come to know a few things about his life and passions. ~ @seablue
Also a Thank You to @mrwang for his video "thank you" which may me seen on YouTube. Along with a big Thank You to all the people, projects, ideas, creations, thoughts, experiences, and more that have been, are being, and will be!
Best to All & All to Best
❤ Namaste ❤