❣ Never Ever Give Up! ❣ Born premature to Eagle Scout to businessman to nearly dying to Meningitis.❣

They didn't think I could... Life in high school & other times. Choose to persevere!

Source: benthethird.com

Moved to another state.  In a new school, new Boy Scout troop.  Everything was different.  Having packed up my whole life with my single Mom.  This was her opportunity to buy her own house!  This would also be my last year in High School.  So many changes and so many goals.

Source: tumblr.com

Me and my Mom had lived alone for many years.

Me and my Mom had lived alone for many years.  My father had left when I was only two.  She struggled working as many as three jobs at a time.  When I was ten she had manged to get a better paying job in an office.  One summer my Mom wanted to spend time with more time with me.  So she only worked one job.  We couldn't afford dinner all the time a this point.  But we went fishing together almost every day for fun.  And for dinner!

Source: giphy.com

Will never forget the time the fish was flapping in the frying pan!

Didn't have money for food at the super market.  But we could get food for free that was much fresher and enjoy quality time together.  Will never forget the time the fish was flapping in the frying pan!  Looking back on this I almost wonder why would be think the other way that most people choose is the better way?  Learning from this or so it seems I have always yearned to be and live a life that is more free.

Source: blogspot.com

We both had great opportunities ahead of us.

Now seven years later.  I had one year of high school left and my Mom was buying her own house.  Very different that earlier years that were much ore of a struggle.  Although still a struggle and lots of work on both of our parts.  The work had much better rewards now in sight.  We both had great opportunities ahead of us.  For my Mom her own house and me off to college to venture out into this thing called "life" on my own!

Source: giphy.com

I found my way onto a Math team

Completely new as a senior was different and challenging.  I found my way onto a Math team which was very fun.  I got looked up to almost immediately.  I was the new kid spitting out answers quicker than anyone else.  The team was very happy about this and saw me as very helpful and valuable.

Source: giphy.com

I only wrote the answers on my Calculus test and didn't show any work.

My teach was probably some mix of impressed and frustrated by this.  He would ask me where my work was.  Of which I would reply something to the effect of: If I show my work and miss a step will you take points off?  His answer, "Yes."  So I rest my case.  No reason to show work to get penalized.  Just passed a paper in with numbers 1 to 10 and answers for questions 1 to 10.  I'd like to think I may have saved some oil and trees along with others with the same idea!

Source: giphy.com

Boy Scouts

In the Boy Scouts I had numerous positions before.  That along with being on of the older scouts I found myself in a leadership position right away.  This was more fun and rewarding.  Also working on numerous merit badges.  I was almost an Eagle Scout too!  Wish is a goal and dream of many.  Only about 2% make it to the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts.

Source: themycenaean.org

Eagle Scout

My Eagle Scout project included a few hundred man hours of a few leaders and many volunteers mainly being scouts in the troop.  This was the final great experience of many others on my quest to this goal.  Learned lots about life in many aspects that I am very thankful for.

Source: parentscountdowntocollegecoach.com

Looking at colleges

Also looked at numerous colleges.  Ending up going to college for one year.  Ended up dropping out deciding I wanted to be an entrepreneur.  Within a year I opened my own business and five years later my own store front.  This resulted in a love and passion for games and collectibles.  As well as ways of thinking of how I may find value.  Value in items, people, and myself.

Source: giphy.com

Got a job at a restaurant

After my High School year I got a job at a restaurant with a room on the top floor of a bed and breakfast place.  Was a great deal!  The room only cost me $50 per week and had just the basics of what I needed.  Was able to at most of my food at work.  Making it myself too!  Plus it was free! Everyone now and then dishes got sent back and I got first dibs on them because I was a good worker and also because of my large appetite.  Never forget one day they served me a full rack of ribs because I think they wanted to see if I could eat the whole thing!  Normally they cut the rack into three or so sections that are served to people for dinner.  And yes of course I ate them all!  They were good, I was hungry, and the price was right!

Source: youtube.com

Swimming @ Cascade Park

Not even twenty yet but I had this little room of my own.  This way of living enabled me to go swimming almost every day as there was a brook right across the street from me with a place to swim and slide down the rocks in the water.  Was a very fun and interesting place to go swimming!

Source: keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk

Love life & work hard

Thinking back on that year reminds me to always work hard to be you and have fun while doing it!  Some say you never know when something might happen.  Well I almost didn't live when I was born two months premature.  Perhaps living through my battles as a little baby taught my mind and body more than I can possibly imagine!

Source: blogspot.com

Mental Illness

Now two decades later I find myself with Meningitis and Hydrocephalus.  Again reinforcing the just go for it attitude and mind set.  Dealing with Tinnitus and some day my energy is lower from not sleeping well and healing.  Have struggled to write sometimes or many times.  My ears are ringing now as they do... ...so I am going to finish this up.

Source: blogspot.com

Thank you

Thank you for reading my post and any others.  Also for all the opportunities in this new adventure we call steem(it).  Look greatly forward to new adventures in the steem community and outside to be shared within.  Much like like and yourself.  Your inner self and outer self.

In closing I leave you with a thought to possibly open your mind, "Freedom is not a choice.  Choice is a lack of freedom."

 Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not choice.  It is man’s pretence  that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation  without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is  without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but  lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to  discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless  awareness of our daily existence and activity. ~  Krishnamurti

Wish you all the best in your perseverance of your deepest, most inner endeavors that you can find!

☮ ❤ Namaste ❤ ☮

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