First time in a year that I have gone out on my own since getting sick with Meningitis. There have been numerous challenges over the past year. From a fluctuating heart beat to out of balance hormones. Things are getting better. Just learning what and how to best live with the mental illness that I have found myself with.
Want to write more sometime. Trying to concentrate on myself. Not to be selfish. More to better understand my own needs and capabilities. Both which are not of which they used to be. Spent extra time walking, working out and some relaxing time with breathing and stretching. These all help me better through my day. Still am or get mentally and/or physically tired. So just try to not over do things.
Will still be spending some time on the numerous steem(it) projects I am involved in and act as an adviser to others. This allows me to still use my mind and offer input to help others which I enjoy.
Will have updates on my involvement with steemprentice, steemtrail, VIRGROW, taskmanager, and others over the course of this week. Have a few hotel room stays during my initial traveling where I will spend some time working on steem(it) related things. Today I am going to get some food and go play some poker for the most part. Also investing in cryptocurrencies and some market maker duties some time as I went over and through dozens of trading pairs and made some updates and adjustments accordingly.
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