Your status is not complicated, you are!

What does it mean: relationship status: It’s complicated?

Frequently I hear people say so, confirm it on sites etc. How come so many people are complicated? How come so many relationships are. Why not leaving/ending it instead of spoiling your life and someone else’s as well?

If it comes to a relationship you are involved to some one or you are not

(not means available/single).
It might be your relationship is not any longer what you want, what you hoped for or what you are willing to work (or fight for) but your status can not be: it is complicated. The only one who can be complicated is you. Too lazy or not the guts to stand on your own feet. Be responsible for your own deeds and life.

To my opinion “it’s complicated” means you are looking for someone/something better

and if you found it, you will leave the sinking ship.
A person like that would never.attract my attention. It means it is a person with a very large backpack and if you start a relationship with such a person you are doomed. Besides it is simply impossible to build a strong, long lasting relationship on the misery of someone else. This will haunt you forever.

If you are the prey (victim) in your relationship, you better end it first

before starting something new. As long as you are not in peace with yourself, your past, it will be a burden. Not only for yourself but most of all for your new partner.

I would like to hear your story if you state your relationship is complicated. Why looking for someone new. What is it you expect from that person?

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