Middle Aged Womanly Reflections

The day that it finally dawns on you that you are in fact middle aged comes as a bit of a shock. Today was that day for me. Its my birthday today and I've been around for 4.2 decades! Where did the time go? Why does my mind still think high school was "just a few years ago"? Birthdays sure have a way of causing one to reflect on life.

Good morning 42

While I sipped my glorious French pressed coffee this morning I start thinking about steemit and how much I really like the community I've dipped my toes into. I've only been posting, reading and chatting for a week but it has been such a great experience. I really kinda like it here. I decided to share with you my middle aged revelations.


Middle aged WHAT do you mean I'm middle aged?

Among those birthday greetings that trickled into my in-box this morning, someone jokingly asked what it feels like to be middle aged. She's only one month younger than I, so the jokes on her right? Her words did cause me to pause for a moment. Middle aged? Me? Gosh, I hadn't really thought it that way before. yeah, I guess I am middle aged now. I wonder where I should go to collect my achievement badge?


All roads point to "I'm getting older

These thoughts lead me perform a quick analysis of my exterior shell as I get dressed for the day. The reflection staring back at me has kind eyes. I think they are my best feature. There are some new creases around those eyes and a little scar on one eyelid though. My reflection is markedly changing. I look at my curves and there's more of me than there used to be but I am actually physically stronger than I was five years ago. Gardening and feed bags will do that for a person. There are a LOT of grey hairs peppered through my dark hair. Should I get it coloured or go natural? For now I'll just toss on my hat and no one will be the wiser. I notice little scars and imperfections here and there from childhood clumsiness and other stuff we need not talk about. There's a sudden sharp pain in my right knee which quickly passes, the words of my mother screaming "put on your snow-pants and mittens or you'll get arthritis when you're old" echoes in my head. oh man. I probably should have listened.


Personal criticism and acceptance of what is

For a moment I allow my vanity voice to tell me that it doesn’t like what it sees in the mirror. That I'm looking old. Then I remind myself that my husband, my dogs and my son love me, despite the wear and tear shown in the reflection. I've earned these marks and creases. They are my battle scars and show that I've lived well. For every mark and curve of this body there is a story and these stories have made me who I am today. I've carried and nourished a life, endured grief, taken risks, followed my dreams and loved with every ounce of my being. This body has lived well and is holding up pretty well. I think we are set up pretty well to complete this next decade.

If I could tell my younger self anything what would it be?

I come from stubborn stock so I am not sure I would listen but I know what I tell my 22 year old son all the time (sometimes he listens - I think).


There's a LOT more things I would tell my self about money, love and life but these are what came to mind first. What would you tell your younger self?

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### Follow me @walkerland


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