KTM Duke 200 Service after 30,000 Kms: Problems, Service Costs and Details

Hey guys, I've not been active on Steemit for a week.

That's because I was out traveling after my bike's 30,000 kilometers service.

I'll post the travelogue soon.

But first, let me tell you about the service.

As the odometer reading hit 30,000 kms, my bike started asking me to keep her for service.

She talks? 

Yes, she does. 

She started telling me service is due by flashing it on the display.


So, I take the bike to service station expecting a bill of Rs. 3000 to Rs. 4000. (USD 46.53 to USD 62).

As my mechanic checked the bike, here's the things that he found were broken:

  1. Fuel pump
  2. Clutch
  3. Battery almost dead
  4. Intake cam shaft broken
  5. Regular Service + Consumables/Parts.

(Previously, Stator coil had been changed under warranty.)

I knew the bill was gonna be a huge amount as these would add to my regular service cost. 

But the service had to be done. 

You can't expect a bike to keep you safe, without you taking care of her when she needs it the most.

So, I asked him to go ahead with the service.

The first thing they do when you take your bike to the showroom is wash your vehicle.

My turn. 

They charge Rs. 120 (USD 1.86) for the water wash.

Once the wash is done, they put her up on the bay and start disassembling the parts that needs to be repaired/changed.

Engine oil change has to be always done in every service to ensure long engine life and smooth running. 

It costs Rs. 1185 (18.6 USD) for 1.5 Litre.

"Freedom"(My bike)  Stripped Naked.

That's the spoilt fuel pump. It costed me Rs. 4000 (62 USD) to replace. 

No idea how it got spoilt so soon. :/

Since the coolant wasn't changed in 2.5 years, I asked them to change it.

It circulates around the engine and in the radiator to keep the engine cool.

It transfers the engine heat to the radiator fins where the air cools it to lower temperatures.

Coolant costs Rs. 210 (USD 3.26).

That's the old engine oil. Brown and dirty after 7500 kms of usage.

Clutch cover has been opened for changing the worn out clutch plates.

Oil filter change.

Oil change.

And finally chain tightening cleaning and lubing.

And that's how happy she looks after her service!

The bill:

Parts cost:

Labour charges:

Total cost came upto Rs. 8944 (USD 138.748). Biking comes at an expense. :P

But wait, didn't you tell that there were battery issues and the camshaft was broken?

Yes, they are.

Those are yet to be repaired and it'll be another 4000 Rs. extra (62 USD) for them which I didn't have at the time of service. 

I completed a ride without changing them and came back fine.

I've kept the bike in Service Station for changing those now.

This is the part that needs to be changed.

I'll update once all the things are fixed and also post about my ride soon.

Till then you can check out my other travelogues on my page @wandereronwheels and follow me to support. :)


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