The (not so) secret diary of the tired Dad - the arrival


Day 1: Arrived in strange hospital at a stupid time of the morning, only to find that all the beds have been "fully booked!" Ushered into a side room, where a midwife greated us and told us that although we were first on the list of elective c-sections, they were a little bit busy at the moment, but we definitely would be meeting our little girl today.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned in to hours..... OK, I'm slightly over exaggerating, but it did feel like we had been there for days before the consultant finally made his rounds. Introducing himself and confirming that we were next on the list. Met the anaesthetist and the team and were given the green light to "gown up"


Final checks -

Epidural ✔️
Sharp knifey bits ✔️
Lots of absorbant towels (could be messy) ✔️

With a quick cut, a few pulls and some stitches, baby @welshstacker arrived on the scene kicking and screaming.

Is there a better sound than that first cry of a new born? Music to my ears for now, but I'm sure that cry will get on my nerves eventually, but for now LOUD CRY = HEALTHY LUNGS


Can't believe that at 09:39 our little girl was born. She's a little under weight, but we'll soon fix that. If there's one thing I know how to do well, that's feed! #imafeeder

OK diary, I got to go now, hungry mum and baby to look after.


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