I knew this was going to happen.

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Last year, when I shouted about Steemit from the Facebook rooftops, I was greeted with replies of skepticism and doubt, as well as assurances that I was wasting my time and that it was unsustainable.

Then the price of Steem went down.

I kept my foot on the accelerator and still posted, although not nearly as frequently, and we continued doing the @SteemitTalk Podcast as close to weekly as we could (and did so pretty well, I might add!), and I kept sharing Steemit content on other platforms.

Lately, however, people have started coming to me about it on Facebook, thanks to @jessamynorchard amazing efforts and spreading the word. At first I didn't think anything out of the ordinary because periodically we'd get a friend to join up, but then it became more frequent. Then suddenly in the last few days, it's been a huge wave of people.

I posted my recent experiences here on Facebook via screenshot. What followed was the biggest and most positive response I've gotten over there thus far. Granted, there are only 11 likes, but the part that I like is the conversation in the comments below. LAST year, the tone had a 180º difference. It's as if here, a year later, they see that it's still going on and I'm still making money, and now they believe there may be something to this whole Steemit thing.

Evidently this is the case not just in my locale, but apparently all over the world. We've been hit with such an influx of new users since the Steem price jump that the sign up process (which must be approved manually) is extremely backed up, resulting in account validations taking up to a week.

That last bit is kind of inconvenient for new users, but I choose to see it as a symptom of a good problem to have.

@giftedgaia already has a similar (and much longer) post to this one, but I was already writing this up so he can kiss it. I'mma post mine anyway. LOL

Screenshot of Facebook post below:

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