Running Matters

What a week!

I’m back to posting on a regular basis again and I hope I can maintain this. As I do get stuck for stuff to post about on a regular basis and I don’t want to spam you guys with running posts and challenges I’ve been invited for to participate in. As a secondary post, they’re ok or when you’re unwell and want to do a quick post, as I did last week, but not to keep you interested, therefor my apologies for that.

Our new car was put to the test last weekend, over 1600 kilometres (1000 miles) to the Netherlands and back with the whole family

As I had quite an eventful weekend with the illnesses I made an extraordinary post about that in the beginning of the week. Let’s hope that weekends like that are a rarity and won’t repeat themselves too often.

Keep the Rhytm going

Running in difficult weather conditions, today the path was even covered with snow

I’m also keeping up the pace with my runs and I did 2 posts on that this week to show you guys the circumstances I’m facing currently on a regular basis. The weather has made it extra challenging this week as temperatures were well below 0 degrees and yesterday it even snowed.

Here are the links to those 2 posts:

I did another run today, which makes it 4 runs in 3 days and this is the pace that we are setting for our marathon preparations. This one was very difficult as I came home yesterday feeling tired, coughing and I also had trouble falling asleep. The path that we normally take was also covered with snow, but regardless my colleague and I set off for another 5km run. Under the circumstances doing the 5 kilometres in 29 minutes is alright, but nothing to boast about.

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Warmer than the last ones, but also snow on the path and my health were playing parts today

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A very high heartbeat in the last kilometers, today was hard on me

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My last 4 runs in comparison. Today was definitely the worst.

Yesterday I tried to explain about the impact of an upvote and how you can really put your vote to good use. There are many factors that people are unaware of and I hope that I with this post answered several of your questions or informed you on a topic that you weren't even aware of.

What’s coming up next week?

I want to try and plan a bit ahead, so that I have inspiration and topics to post about. This is my provisional plan for the week ahead:

  • Saturday: I am planning a post about a personal challenge I’m trying to overcome
  • Sunday: On Sunday it is time for another one of my favourites post
  • Monday: I still haven’t had that PING, the perfect idea for a competition, but I do have a few things in mind, so on Monday I will launch a new competition
  • Tuesday: My experience of the Swiss elections of Sunday, my first time I was allowed to vote
  • Wednesday: Another marathon update, hopefully I can share some exiting news with you guys
  • Thursday: NEW TOPIC- Freewriting What do you want me to post about? I'm going to reserve my Thursday posts for topics that interest you and what you would like me to write about.

Time for weekend!



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