【EN/JP】My2018-This is my Hobby:Weaving, Making tools and Archiving/私の趣味のこと:機織りと道具作りとその記録

First of all, I'm sincerely grateful @anomadsoul and @blocktrades that we got such an opportunity. I've thought that I would like to write my own introduction like this someday so I decided to participate in this contest. I feel sorry if my English is strange but trying to improve it now so please excuse me ;)



Hi Steemians!



Are you interested in what kind of textile/materials your cloth is made from? Some people likes cotton because it's comfortable, other people might like silk with beautiful coloring or texture, and some people might prefer to wear bast fiber(hemp/linen/ramie etc) in the summer time. You might like fast-drying T-shirts.My hobby is restoring old weaving tools and weaving Ramie fiber(one of a bast fibers) which is from my own yard.


先日も似たような記事を書いたのですが、皆さんは着ている衣服がどのような繊維で作られているか、興味がありますか? 木綿の着心地が好きな人や、発色と手触りがいい絹が好きという人もいるかも知れません。夏は麻や速乾性のTシャツが快適かも知れませんね。

How I start weaving

When I was in my early 20's I was working as a part-timer at the construction site of the repair of the old temple building, my boss asked me to join a project of making ancient cloth. Ancient cloth in this case means a cloth of bast fiber, once it was used for making roof tile of temples in Japan, China and Korea.

After I graduated from school at the age of 20, I experienced a few jobs but I was still wondering or looking for what I really want to do. I didn't know anything about weaving at that time, but I heard that they were making the restorative tools to weave and plant Ramie in their yard to get fiber... I don't know why but it seemed very interesting to me. And when I noticed... I visited their yard in mountain side every weekend... it took about 40 minutes away by car. I have been doing this hobby for more than 15 years.



my yard and atelier in Japan 畑と作業場

Why is this hobby attractive to me

The interesting things about weaving is to do all works with my hands and body. If I'm lazy and don't keep my garden well, the plants fiber got worse and the problem comes directly to me when I make yarn. On the other hand, if I go to my yard often and do more work, I can get good fibers. And also if I make working plan details and do it, a good tool will be completed.
Since after I became a member of society and experienced some work, it was the first time for me to deeply face to by myself or my life or... way of living.



Reproduction of weaving tools

The loom I'm using now is a machine that reproduced by my boss with actually measuring the parts of the machine which was used until the end of Edo period(17-19th). There are some historical records that similar machines were used in the Nara era(8AD). My weaving machine is made of Japanese cedar, oak tree and bamboo.
Since our activities are doing from the perspective of folk cultural properties, we've chosen to save the old tools as much as possible and leave them to posterity, so basically we use what we reproduced. And of course tools sometimes get damaged. Maintenance tools is now my work.




Cultivation of Ramie and the fiber

Although I omit a detailed story here, I will introduce it a bit. Cut the Ramie plant in early summer, then get rid of the skin by hand and take out only the fiber of the endothelium of the part of stem with a knife, then dry it.
I think Ramie/nettleaceae may be not so familiar plants in your country, it is a plant that can be found anywhere in Japan or Asean countries especially river side. I think Europe has a leaf tea from similar kind of plant as a healthy herb tea.




Weaving process

Make yarn from dried fiber. It is a work that has perseverance because it takes three months (for 1 kimono /13m) to make a warp thread for weaving. We also need more time to make a weft thread too. To do such a traditional weaving, first of all it is very important to "carefully make beutiful thread". If I'm lazy with this process, many troubles will occur in the next task. I said earlier that "weaving is like I face to by myself", and I think that it will be enough for this "how much I can concentrate myself at the moment of making threads"
After making yarn, twist it with a spinning wheel which also made by ourselves, then set yarn, start weaving. It's interesting but it seems people who are studying engineering systems are interested in the function and mechanism of weaving machines. It is well known that the "Toyota", Japanese car company is started with Toyota loom.



one room in my apartment filled with weaving stuff and books

Keep recording as soon as possible

I interview from craftsmen mainly in the 70-90 years old those who were doing the handwork. I'm doing activities to take the images on cameras and videos and trying to keep them to future generations. I hope I can say this is "my work", but unfortunately it is not create money at all. But If I don't do this "Now", nobody knows about this handwork ten years later. Craftsmen around me have become older in 15 years and some were passed away. So I really need to do this shooting work as soon as possible.



*she is 93 years old and still making yarns(this foto is from her 70's) *

Digital archive study

Also while having interview for elder artisans, I thought that it is necessary to leave a high quality recorded contents to future generations. Because of this way of thinking I started studying digital archives. The number of Japanese handicrafts declined with the economic growth accompanying from the end of World War II to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 and technological development advanced. As a result, in the 1970s many pieces of folk tools were gathered and collected in the museum, but those museums also become old now and it seems many museums have space problems for keeping these collection items.



tools&photos should be preserved with "Metadata" and more information by hearing from craftsmen

In addition, in 2018 today, high-tech museums are built one after another, and unfortunately preservation of folk cultural properties and museum curators can only do a minimum of work within a small budget, so It is a fact that there is no spot in this field in Japan. Under such circumstances, I still wanted to create good contents and recording valuable craftsman work even only by ourselves.
So when I was working at a refrigerator company, I studied at a graduated university with online for three years to study about creating digital archives. I graduated 4 years ago, but the digital environment has been developing rapidly till now, so It was a bit tough time for me to make reports as a full time worker, but I think it was great timing for studying about digital stuff.


スクリーンショット 2017-10-30 17.21.23のコピー.png
screen shot from video hitting hemp fiber on the floor to make it separated. she is 93 years old!!

Manual life in this digital world

I wonder maybe some Steemians think that such as traditional manual work is outdated in this digital and technology world. But please think about it a bit. What we can do when electricity and gas are stopped?
Plowing the field to harvest the vegetables, put the fire for make dinner, creating tools ... you also need a shelter of course... :) Through weaving work I was able to recognize about people's activities with nature. It made me thinking more about plants and materials as well. I hope I can share about these beautiful things with my actions and articles for people especially young generations and children.




Traveling world to see weaving techniques and textiles

Although the world is so big, I want to visit many places concerned with weaving or textiles. I've been to many places in Japan, and also been to Korea,China and Potsdam, Germany to see weaving techniques.
When I went to NYC, I enjoyed to see hemp fabrics of BC at Metropolitan Museum. I am also studying the historical books or notes from all over the world via Internet to get more information.




Source(from the left)/引用(左から) <1> <2> <3> <4>

Through the keyword "weaving" or "textile" I can meet many people who loves handwork, and enjoy listening their customs and eat delicious food... These are also one of my enjoyment.
I hope to continue studying fabrics around the world, especially vast fiber(ramie,linen,hemp etc.), Indian cotton, and Andean textile, so if you have some information around you, I would like you to let me know.



In 2018, I got promise with 93 years old weaver to learn about weaving, so I'm really looking forward to this project and it should be done very quick and perfect.I also helping a publication of books with my friends so I'd like to finish this up.
My hobby is weaving and I am thinking that it is kind of "my mission of my life" and I have "passion" of this mission work because of people I met. in that sense My aim is to exchange with various people from different culture, improve techniques and passing down along with it.
I really wish I can live only doing this kind of job, but it is a reality that I can’t make it at least right now. Actually I knew about Steemit and Cryptocurrency last year and I'm still 1 month old newbie here.
Since there's people who are doing some researchers without make any money from their activities like me, and there's some craftsmen who have valuable skills but can't get income because of less demanding, I want to keep seeing the possibility of steemit and Cryptocurrency for their future.And I'm glad if you will give me some ideas or advices.



I thank @anomadsoul and @blocktrades again to give us such an opportunity, and thank you Steemians who read my article about my hobby. I feel very sorry about my poor English.
Thank you so much and wish you have a great weekend! yoyo

読んで戴いてありがとうございました^^ よい週末を♡ ヨヨ


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