Current situation of Steemit in Japan.

Hello people of Steemit, how are you?
I’m @yoshiko from Japan.

In Japan, Steemit has only started with a limited number of users, and the platform is still at a very early stage. There are, however, no Whales in Japan at the moment.

There are few VOTEs in Japanese communities without whales. So many people have quit.Steamit's pleasure is not just reward.Encountering a person is a very precious experience. We held a lot of steemit meetups.Even with such efforts, many people quit.



A new ALIS social media network was founded in Japan. ALIS has received a lot of attention.

“We perceive Japan as the first market that we should tap into, as it is a huge, but an underdeveloped market that is ‘left-behind’. First of all, western countries take the lead on block-chain technologies, which means Japan is lacking main players. Additionally, due to the newly changed legislation in Japan, foreign players are unable to develop domestic businesses, and even domestic players need to overcome the hurdle of entrepreneur registration.
Secondly, there is the language barrier. On one hand, because of the language barrier, the market is often left behind from various global platforms (Examples of these are WhatsApp, Tumblr, and Pinterest, which is often not even recognized in Japan). On the other hand, however, as seen in the fact that Microsoft has already released an instant facts mean that there is a high possibility that once we tap into the market as soon as possible as a first-mover, we will be able to stabilize our position because of the large hurdle.
In addition to this Japan continues to be a huge economical market, with the nominal GDP still ranked 3rd among the world at over 4 trillion USD, along with the top ranked amount of net foreign trade. The SNS and web media market is Japan is also valued at least 11 billion USD.
The above reasons are why the market in Japan is a huge market, but underdeveloped and ‘left-behind’. We, however, perceive these as a reason to enter the Japanese market. Although already stated above, we think that it is a completely rational strategy that will enable our success to enter and expand our share within the huge but ‘left-behind’ Japanese market and to later extend into the global market.
Finally, as the core members have been brought up in Japan and hence are familiar with its culture and business rules, starting our venture in Japan is most likely our best strategy at this point.


Currently there are about 200 active users in steemit Japan but 4000 users registered with ALIS.
ALIS is all Japanese. Japanese tend to hate English.I strongly hope Steemit's Japaneseization.And I would like Japan to make several whales. There are many people who quit when they have fewer rewards.
Japan has such a problem, but I am enjoying Steemit. That is because some people support Japan. That support is from people who care about Japan.
While being supported by those people, I will do my best with #japanese from now on.

Please visit #Japanese. And please give japanese a VOTE!!

I would like to make Japanese steemit an attractive platform.



スクリーンショット 2018-02-19 3.48.12.png日本支援アカウント/Japan Support Account


スクリーンショット 2018-02-19 3.16.13.pngsteemit初心者のためのマニュアル/Manual for newbie

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