Monsters are real, but so are the HEROS

Last Sunday I was sitting in front of the tv and watching the news when commercials kicked in with the announcement of the movie that was going to be on a bit later. It was some new horror movie, rated as not suitable for those under 18. Vampires, werewolves, zombies, nasty little trolls, witches, etc. I don't usually go for that type of entertainment, it doesn't have that happy vibe that I'm looking for in my daily life experiences, but it did get me thinking about something...


Something started bugging me and scratching that little part of my brain that is usually asleep, where have I seen this already? Then it hit me like a pile of bricks! All those muggers, killers, drug dealers and pimps are the bloodsuckers, just without the romantic background story and without the sexy pale tan. They have no special powers, sharp teeth and I am pretty sure they don't turn into werewolves but they seem just as dangerous as the ones in books and movies. All those humans that use other humans and exploit them are not smelly trolls that hide under bridges, some of them are even well-dressed with an expensive smile on their face. I wonder...

Did we desensitized ourselves from our daily monsters by romanticising the ones in horror stories?

I know the background for these types of stories. They were exaggerations in storytelling and have served as means of control for individuals, either for protecting secrets and valuables or for scaring children and grownups from doing something. That's what monsters from those stories were, metaphors that had an educational purpose. Somewhere along the way, it all got twisted and people started using them as means of pushing on their agenda. History tells the story of burning of the witches, stoning the albinos and much more. Well, I am sad to say some of those things are still present today. Where did it all go wrong?


All those metaphors that should represent human nature in monster form suddenly became acceptable in good-looking and expensive suites. All of your good nature could not help you if you are not easy on the eye. When did we get scared of what we see oppose of what we don't see? We stopped acting on our knowledge and common sense. We don't question motives or actions if what we see is pleasing to our eyes and we process information only skin deep.

I thought I was going crazy and that this was my crazy voice talking so I went online and did a little exploration of ever so popular youtube. Thanks to modern technology my suspicions were confirmed. All the videos featuring asses and tits had a couple of million hits while science, wellbeing, new discoveries, and human achievements had only a couple of thousands. The next conclusion came as no surprise.

We, as a human race, are satisfied with our monsters as long as they look good.

This was the point where my happy bubble was stretched to its limits so I needed some counterpunch to all this negative vibe and bad thoughts. I could have meditated or gone for a walk with some uplifting music in my ears focusing on forgetting all of this, but then nothing would change. I would just be reminded of all this the next time I see something similar on tv so I did what I do best. Keyboard, my old friend, we meet again...


Steemit has become my new happy place where monsters are banished and good people are kind and well-spoken. This is where I can process information on information alone, where good is written and writing is good. Steemit is the place where all these thoughts that I had have met their match and are beaten by the positive energy and vibrations coming from all steemit users. Thank you for that.

Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it. Surround yourself with positivity and happiness. There will always be negativity but where your attention goes, energy flows. Keep your smile on lovely people and each day choose to be a hero, not a monster.

All of the used images are under CC0 License and are free for personal and commercial use. You can find them on

For more on the philosophy of happiness, follow the links to my previous posts:
Why do we and how do we learn ANYTHING?
How to train your brain to be positive
Do you KNOW how to love and be loved?
What is the philosophy of HAPPINESS?

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