What's the difference between North Italy and South Italy?

Did you ever wonder why North Italy and South Italy seem so different?

I bet you did.

At least if you're interested in this country.

And, maybe, you even asked if the difference is real or if we're just talking about stereotypes. So, today I'm going to explore with you the most superficial differences (so they're proved and you can search for them).

Let's begin!


Exception made for Rome, the South of Italy is usually a lot cheaper then the North. And when I say "cheaper" I really mean it. 

The most expensive pizza in Milan could go up to 18€.

The most expensive pizza in Naples is like... 6€? 

So, if you want to eat well and spend a small amount of money... you know where you have to go :) 


The reason why the Northern part of Italy is economically richer is because... it has banks.

Milan is the centre of one of the most important bank in Italy.

We don't really have a lot of centre banks in the South, even if Rome is of course full of them.


We have almost no way to grow something in the North.

South is a lot better in producing fruits, vegetables and so on. That's explorable by searching for viruses influencing the grain.

We don't have those kind of problem in the North, 'cause we don't usually do agricolture.


Ok, I know you're now thinking "yeah, he prefers the North".

I don't "prefer". Italy is Italy. We're not divided like some idiots go out to promote.

We could be right now, but we want to change. At least, the smarter part of the Country.

But that's... real. 

Mafia has his "main offices" in the South.




Mafia is NOT only in the Southern part of Italy. A lot of the mafia from Calabria migrated to Turin and some little city in the extreme North.

Mafia is anywhere it founds something to profit off. It's not just the South.

But the South was always ignored by the State in the past, so maybe they found easier terrains there.

There are three big mafias in Italy: Camorra, Mafia and 'Ndrangheta. One is near Naples, the other ones are in Sicily and near Bari.


Cities in the South are usually smaller so people get to know each other better.

That brings another good points: people in the south are usually more friendly.

We don't really know why, but we have colder attitudes in the Northern part. But we're friendly anyway, we're Italians! You know us for being loudly...


Sadly, you'll probably need a car in little cities in the South.

Public transports are better serviced in the North and trains are awful in the Southern part. 


Religion is still a big thing in Italy.

Statistically talking, we have like 95% christians.

Luckily enough, that's just a mere statistic based upon the pressure of the Churces here. You get in the church while you're one year old, so you can think about the complex decisions you can make on that period.

Anyway, Southern part of Italy is usually more religious then the Northern part.

That's just a supposition, anyway :P


That was kind of hironic. 

I explained the most superficial stuff here and I hope you'd like it. It's just a random post, but I try to master every post to give you the best value ever.

North and South are still "culturally divided" right now. But I hope we can become stronger together. 

I don't believe in divisions. The main concept of "nationalism" is stupid to me.

Let me know if you learnt something or if you have questions!

See ya!

PS: images are taken from Pixabay. Click here to learn more about places to get your images for free!

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