This Is How I Feel...

WARNING: This video has the potential to induce SEIZURES for people with Photosensitive EPILEPSY. If you have Photosensitive Epilepsy or feel you might be susceptible to a seizure, DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO or look away. It's your life, you've been warned.

I'm not a doctor, so I can not be sure if a epilepsy warning is actually needed here, but I don't want to hurt people if I can avoid it, so there you go.

source: YouTubeEpilepsy warning

Today I'll give the mind and spirit a rest and try to just show you something wonderful. At least it's wonderful to me and it took me by total surprise when I first saw it. This video-clip and music by Bonobo describes perfectly how I feel a lot of the time. If you read some of my material, you will have noticed that I'm not at all sure where we as a species are headed. Also I worry about the fact that the people I meet in everyday real life just don't seem to to be interested at all in thinking about the future, other than their own and those closest to them.

I sometimes genuinely feel like I'm suffering from a Cassandra complex:

"The term originates in Greek mythology. Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, the King of Troy. Struck by her beauty, Apollo provided her with the gift of prophecy, but when Cassandra refused Apollo's romantic advances, he placed a curse ensuring that nobody would believe her warnings. Cassandra was left with the knowledge of future events, but could neither alter these events nor convince others of the validity of her predictions. [...] The Cassandra metaphor is applied by some psychologists to individuals who experience physical and emotional suffering as a result of distressing personal perceptions, and who are disbelieved when they attempt to share the cause of their suffering with others."
source: Wikipedia

source: WikipediaPainting of Cassandra by Evelyn De Morgan

Not that I claim to be touched by Zeus, or that I can peer into the future, but I do know for certain that as a species we are making all the wrong choices. In my eyes this is best seen and explained by the dominance of the individualist, free market mindset that seems to rule our lives. I said it before and I'll repeat it here: how often do you hear in the news that some politician makes a good proposal that would help protect the environment or uplift the poorest in the country, only for it to be dismissed because "the market wouldn't react well" or "the market wouldn't like that" or "exchanges would rebel and crash". And every time this happens, the people are angry for a second or two, but then admit that, well, if the market would suffer, we all would suffer... Even the most leftist of political parties don't dare propose something without mentioning the benefits for the economy or assuring it at least won't hurt the economy.

We don't live in a democracy, but instead in the dictatorship of the market. A choice must be made here: do we take democracy back from the market or not? If not, we stay stuck in the status-quo where every country strictly adheres to their role on the world economic stage. They will all try to finish first in the Race To The Bottom. It won't be America and Europe, but America Incorporated and Europe Limited, both run as a business, not as a democracy by the people for the people.

We are being ruled by an economy that ultimately makes no sense whatsoever...

Sorry, I'm ranting here, even when I promised myself to give it a rest today... So, this was the long intro for what I want to show you. I'd like to invite you all to watch this videoclip and especially watch the poor girl getting ever more scared about something she tries to warn the people about. Watch it full-screen. She is me. These people don't see what she sees, and you probably won't either:

Did you see it? No? Then watch it again: she's not panicking for nothing, I assure you. Just like I'm not panicking for nothing... We are being made to believe that we are alone on this world, that we are the sole creators of our universe, that we can choose to fail or succeed, that this ridiculous "law of attraction" is true... Truth in my book is that we are all the creators of each others universes, and that as long as we don't understand that, we are destined to destroy our own future. If we destroy our self, all other life on the planet would flourish...

Like I said, just sharing a piece of my mind and illustrate with a music video. Did you notice the cause of the girls paranoia? Let me know: I only noticed after three or four views. Shows how blind I am :-)

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