My Tips for staying Healthy and Feeling Good! - Part 3

Hey, all Fit and Active Steemers!

And everyone who wishes to do a little step towards a healthy lifestyle;)

Today I wanna continue sharing with you my tips of staying healthy and feeling good in a Big City!

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As always, no rocket science in my blog - only simple and easy to follow tips that can improve your daily life.

Our body and our health is everything we have in life!

I don't care about my health just for the sake of it. I don't plan to live forever anyway:)

But it's our body that can be a limit for our achievements or can be a source of energy and power to do things!

I try to stay healthy to feel more energy, to be able to be more efficient in what I'm doing, to be able to spend more quality time with my family and to concentrate on my work when I have to.

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Yes, something like that :)

From my point of view I have a long way to go to a perfect version of myself, but healthy eating definitely helps!

And as always, I remind you that I'm not a nutritionist or dietitian and I'm not giving any medical advice whatsoever.
Only sharing the tips that worked for me and hopefully can be useful for others.

In my previous posts I have started sharing with you the drinks and a superfood that help me kick off the day!

Today I will dive a bit more into another superfood that I am taking and what health benefits it can bring!

So welcome... Açai berry!

These beautiful purple berries should not be considered exotic anymore as they are getting so popular in the whole world for their fantastic nutritional benefits!

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You can find the long lists of its health benefits on the popular nutrition-related websites, I will just summarize the main ones:

  • Açai berries are known to be high in antioxidants, which help improve blood circulation, protect our cardio system and slow down the aging process, caused by oxidation

  • Antioxidants in açai also help the body to fight free radicals, which are known to be causes of cancer

  • The pulp of the berry has shown to reduce negative effect of consuming fatty foods, in other words it can help the body lose excessive weight

  • It is also a good source of Vitamin C to support our immune system and dietary fiber to improve the digestion

Enough for me to include it in my diet!

So how to take açai?

I prefer not to believe in marketing efforts that I see on a grocery store shelfs and I don't buy açai-containing products like juices and shakes.

Instead, I use pure freeze-dried açai powder from my favorite brand Organic Burst

as always, no paid advertising from my side - only my personal recommendations

I simply add 1 tsp of açai powder to my morning smoothies and that's it!

It does not only give it a nice purple color, but also a fresh berry taste!

And what if you don't do smoothies at home?

I actually find it a perfect breakfast just because it's so QUICK! But if you are up to cooking a proper oatmeal or just having some cereals in the morning, you can also add some açai powder to it.

Trying it wouldn't hurt anyway, it's not much different from any other berries you had in your life. It's just better:)

In my next posts I will tell you about chia seeds, spirulina and why I don't take off-the-shelf vitamins.

Stay tuned!!!


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