
I saw this limousine vehicle on sunday at ogudu area of lagos state and it drew my attention and decided to take a shot of it.

Few years ago when this vehicle was invented, many people did many things to drive it by all cause, then, if you don't drive it, you are not among the wealthies class, some killed, steal, and do all sort of humiliating things so as the get it, but here it is today abandoned on the roadside.

That alone is a signal and an inspiration they is nothing worth fighting or killing for in life because what is new today, in five years time will become outdated and he that is unable to get it today should rejoice because that car of your dream is still new in your mind and in the garage, and you that has bought a new car or anything today should also note that you are not the first set of people to get such thing, and sooner or later, your new purchase will soon become outdated.

Life is simple and easy because if you don't get your heart's desire today, you will get it tomorrow if you plan towards it, then why worry yourself of what is not worrying you?

They is nothing new under the sun, take life easy and fair and life will reciprocate with such, but if you go the other way round, as such will life return's it to you because life gives back to you in excess what you gave out to life.

You aspire for something?

Put yourself in order, draw your plans, set your goals and work on it and at the appointed time, it will become a reality.

Have you ever seen a building plan developed and worked on a daily basis without becoming a reality(a house)?

Absolutely no,

As such is your plans, when you work on implementing it on a daily basis will also become a reality.

Your fears shouldn't be that your dreams are not becoming a reality but rather that your plans has not been worked on because if you work on your plans daily and constantly having it in mind, it will one day become a reality.

You are gifted and talented numerously, don't limit yourself because no one will ever limit you except your very own self and never giveup on your plans, dreams and goals, if you don't get it done today and you are still alife, that alone should be an inspiration to you that they is a reason why you are alife, meaning that you still have more hopes in as much as you are alife.


      thanks for reading 

it's your brother and friend @mike4christ

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